Talking about incubation: What incubator can you guys recommend? I mean something affordable, way below $100… The owner of the Chinese Supermarket wants to eat duck and is asking if i can sell him some life ducks. He wants to do the slaughtering, butchering and plucking. So i thought i go get an incubator and hatch some eggs, sell him the drakes and keep the girls…
I have a Hovabator. Not expensive but over $100. Works really well though.
Talking about incubation: What incubator can you guys recommend? I mean something affordable, way below $100… The owner of the Chinese Supermarket wants to eat duck and is asking if i can sell him some life ducks. He wants to do the slaughtering, butchering and plucking. So i thought i go get an incubator and hatch some eggs, sell him the drakes and keep the girls…
That sounds easy enough

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