I don't curse no matter how bad I want to :lau Ah I missed a lot. Oh . my . gosh all I want is sleep now :caf nope! Sorry about your drake going missing @HuffleClaw . We actually are now considering putting olly down.. I'm sorry, I know it's been such a journey with him.. hard and everything but he is BARELY improving. We are going to keep going though, I'm not giving up that easily on the poor boy, just the thought of him dying after all of this makes me tear up. I just wish I wasn't put in a situation like this, I later found out the owners DID know the ducks were sick but they didn't want to pay for everything, thus giving them for free. :he How can I be so stupid?! Now I have to bare with another loss.. maybe He has been the closest I've been to with a duck (besides an old drake mallard I had long ago) It'd break my heart to see the poor fella die because I didn't notice this or do something about it sooner.
Okay, well I started it. I apologize for doing so.
It never bothered me when Fluffy did it to me, but I could see how it might upset some people. You do have a very good point. I won't do it to you guys anymore. :)
I don't think anyone minds here when it's just joking around as long as it's nothing bad. ;)
Miss L would probably not appreciate someone making her cuss or something like that. :gig

I agree with Shaw. I don't think anyone here is complaining. I was just explaining it because if you read the ~5 post before it, there was clearly some confusion.
Jealous of those beautiful skies. I understand it shouldn't be done, I never said it should, I was explaining how it was done and it wouldn't be altered with the original comment.

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