Even putting something for free on craigslist sometimes they don’t even show up!
That gets on my nerves so bad. Over the last week, we've given away close to $200 worth of baby formula. Some we paid for, some of it was gifted to us, nothing wrong with any of it. We simply don't need it anymore and I liked it pay it forward when I can. Only about half of the people that committed to showing up actually did.

Then people get upset after they miss an appointment & try to reschedule but there's nothing left to give them. "But you said..."
I am trying to be patient however. They made a comment about him being past his prime, which I don't exactly know what it means. To me though, it sounds like he'll be culled soon.
I'm too much of a softie when it comes to animals. If this was just a watch or something, I would already wrote them and told'em I wasn't interested.
Past his prime could include a lot of us here!
My game roo has long spurs hes 10 yrs old, then this past year the sharp points must have fell off or some how he rubbed them down because they are no longer sharp. They never grew into his legs and he never used them on anyone so I just left them alone.

Wait a minute... you've got game fowl?
839843FB-5243-4C63-B2D4-4D77C9ABA728.jpeg This stuff has been waiting a week for a guy to take it for free

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