The fighter thread


Feb 1, 2023
Anywhere with chickens
My Coop
My Coop
I have decided to start this thread to share the story’s of our birds that have had injuries and diseases and were on deaths door but came back I also want this to be a place that you can remember your birds. My story is about my buff Orpington Pippa Middleton or Pip for short. One morning I was getting ready for school I let the chickens out and went back inside to make my breakfast. Then I heard a series of squawks and screams from my chickens. I rushed outside and a fox was chasing my red sex link hen Salsa. The fox ran away. Salsa had a huge gash across her back I sprayed some Theracyn on her would and then put her in a sick crate and rounded up everybody else and realized one was missing we searched everywhere but couldn’t find her I feared for the worst. I left for my day in fear that she had been taken. But when I came home I found her behind a rock in our yard. She was paralyzed and could barely lift her head up and wouldn’t eat any food or drink any water without me forcing her to. She remain in this horrible condition for two days and then Salsa got bored and picked her head bloody she was barely alive when I got home. We thought she was dying so we took her to a vet tech to get euthanized but lucky for us The vet said that steroid injection should help her and if she doesn’t get better before her injections are up to take her back and they will euthanize her. But she got better by the end of her injection she had her head up and she was walking around she stayed on she stay in the sick crate for about a month before we put her back she didn’t lay for about a month after we put her back but I was so thankful she was ok.This girl was my fighter she pushed through thick and thin. What are your fighter story’s?


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This is my sweet Jane Foster. When we got her she was a lot smaller than the rest of her flock and less developed. She had splayed leg and I had a lot of hope for her making it. Unfortunately I don’t know much about chickens as this is my first flock so I’ve been doing my best to help her grow and stay alive. She is still smaller than her flock and still walks funny even though we corrected the leg, her legs are really short. I’m hoping she will continue to thrive and I’m thinking she is just a dwarf.


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