the age-old question - what do I have?


Oct 25, 2021
Bay Area, CA
I have 4 x 9 week-old chicks. I finally got some decent enough pictures that I'm hoping that you all might be able to help me confirm my suspicions! Here are my guesses:

1. Welsummer - cockerel??
2. Sage or olive egger hybrid - COCKEREL!
3. Lavender Ameraucana - pullet?
4. Crested Cream Legbar - PULLET (at least she better be! She was supposed to be a Bielefelder, but obviously she's not!)

If you need better pictures of any of them, just let me know and I'll do my best! I've tried to take photos a couple times already and they've all been terrible - these are by far the best shots I've managed!

#1 Welsummer has had the beginnings of bright red wattles for weeks now and is by far the most human-friendly, and more recently has been getting picked on by #2, the Big Man on Campus. As I hope you can see in the photos, the skin around his comb is reddish/pink, but the only ray of hope that this one might be a pullet is that the actual comb looks more yellow lately, (I'm reaching here, I know!) and body-size wise, he's almost indistinguishable from the CCL pullet (I can't tell them apart unless I see their faces/heads).

#2 I guessed early on, and the red wattle buds that showed up weeks ago and now his big red comb seem to confirm it. He's just been SUPER different than the others from the beginning. I know breed plays a big part in development, but he has been HUGE as of maybe a week old (his nickname was Turkey Baby for a while there) and was literally weeks behind the others in feathering - he got tail feathers probably a month (possibly more) after everyone else, and his tail is still very short - it looks like a little topknot. And, well, he acts like a cockerel and is already acting possessive of #3. As for what went into the hybrid, Lavender Ameraucana probably crossed with a brown egg layer with feathered legs? I was told he was a Sage Egger, but the well-feathered legs make me think he's got some Marans (I know they also breed Olive Eggers, so maybe he's an olive egger with the Marans?) though maybe his size and the feathered legs could mean some Cochin or Brahma instead if he was indeed bred to be a Sage egger? I don't think they breed either of those, but that doesn't mean they didn't bring some into the pool for this cross. Any thoughts on that? Mostly curiosity there. There are a few spots of buff leakage on his wings, but otherwise mostly lavender.

#3 She's best buds with BMOC, and she acts more like the CCL and not much like the other two, but the light pink comb started to freak me out - is that a Lavender thing? or an Ameraucana thing?

#4 - her comb is clearly yellow (no pink/red undertones, like #1), and she had no white spot on her head as a baby - she was all chipmunk stripes, so I'm not really worried about her, hence the only one photo. Do you see any reason to be concerned, though? It does look like she's got the beginnings of red wattles coming in, but that's within the last few days - I've been checking her and the Ameraucana regularly and haven't seen any until these photos, while 1 & 2 have had red wattle buds for weeks.


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Two is the only cockerel. Some breeds are incorrect. I really think two is a Lavender Brahma. They are incredibly uncommon but he fits the bill. 4 isn't a Legbar and she isn't even barred. She's likely an Olive Egger

Agreed. 2 is the only cockerel, and he looks to be a lavender brahma, but they are very rare. As you said, 4 is most definitely not a Legbar. OP, where did you get these birds?
Thank you all! I'm relieved to hear that #1 still looks like a pullet to everyone so far! You've given me hope that my luck on pullet odds may be changing now that I've rolled the dice more times! I just saw those little red spots under the beak weeks ago, and combined with the fact that the Welsummer is the one who comes and visits me when I'm cleaning the coop, while everyone else keeps their distance, and my penchant for picking out cockerels, I just assumed that I had yet another cockerel!
Agreed. 2 is the only cockerel, and he looks to be a lavender brahma, but they are very rare. As you said, 4 is most definitely not a Legbar. OP, where did you get these birds?
Two is the only cockerel. Some breeds are incorrect. I really think two is a Lavender Brahma. They are incredibly uncommon but he fits the bill. 4 isn't a Legbar and she isn't even barred. She's likely an Olive Egger
Interesting! I had no idea! Thanks for letting me know! I learn so much every time I post a question!

I got them all from the Peninsula Feed Store in Redwood City, CA. #2-4 are bred in-house, and 1 comes from a hatchery, but I didn't ask which one. The person who seemed to be the manager was the one who picked them out for me, but from what I've heard, he is not the breeder.

#2 looks to me like he as a 3-row pea comb to me (or something similar?), so does that suggest he is Lavender Ameraucana x Lavender Brahma? They don't list Brahmas as one of their breeds, but they do have OE & Sage Eggers. Or does the Brahma comb develop slowly also, and it will get bigger? The Brahma part would definitely explain his size and slow development better than my initial guess of a LA x Lavender Marans (which I didn't know existed before all this, but there seem to be some out there!). I wish I could keep him - I know I'm partial, but I think he's pretty so far - his long, feathered legs give him a very stately stance.

#4 I didn't think that there were supposed to be any OE in this hatch from what I remember, but it also seems like there's potential for confusion in their current system, given that all of their hatched chicks were in one pen together, while the hatchery ones were separated by breed. I asked for a Bielefelder (mostly for the autosexing bc I've had bad luck with sexed chick odds so far), and I did hear the manager mutter something about making sure he grabbed a Bielefelder instead of a CCL from the in-house pen, so I just assumed that there wasn't a 3rd option to get mixed up with, and trusted that, at the very least, I had an autosexing one! I had been looking for barring initially, when I thought I had a Bielefelder and couldn't tell which striped chick was which, but I hadn't noticed that CCL are also supposed to be barred! I'll have to wait for a few more months to see if she lays olive eggs!

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