Tell me about your sweet gentle roosters!



8 Years
May 30, 2016
I just gave my gorgeous but aggressive rooster away and am feeling the hole he has left on our farm. He was my third roo and I have had to get rid of all of mine so far… The first was a Welsumer and mean from the get go, the second (same age as first but he was the beta roo) was a big lumbering Buff Brahma and the hens hated him (he was not aggressive to me at all, but did none of the rooster stuff for the hens except mounting them and he was too big), and now my SFH roo, who was fine for two years and then turned more and more aggressive over time (he’s 5 now, so I worked with him for a while).
I want a GOOD roo so badly, but how do I get one?
Would love to hear all about your good roos - breeds, did you get them as chicks or later, did they stay good or turn after a number of years? Did you have older hens with a younger roo and how does he win their hearts? (mine have never been impressed by a rooster)

This is The Best Rooster in the World. He's good to the ladies and easy to get along with. He has never challenged me in any way or form. His father and grandfather were the same way.


This is my boy, Maude. He’s the only roo from my original flock that avoided the axe ( out of 7 others ) because he’s such a good boy. Never flared, bit, postured, or flogged anyone in his 2yr existence and he’s the top cock. Boss of the flock. Good with the ladies and chicks, so I definitely lucked out with him. Recently saved a polish hen from a juvenile bald eagle too.

oh, he did try helping me dig out a black snake that started to get too close to the chicks lol


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This is Paco, he is a silkie mix.
View attachment 3124979
I don't love his looks but he is the most perfect boy. Not aggressive with me or my children, tidbits his ladies and doesn't overmate anyone.
I got lucky with him. A friend of mine on here swapped him for one of my girls. ♥️
I wonder what he’s mixed with - his chest feathers look really interesting! Maybe a silkie is the way to go, since that breed is known for being sweet… Do you know how old he is?

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