Taking chicks outside for the first time - enclosure needed?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2024
This is probably going to sound like a dumb question... We have 5 chicks that are 3+ weeks old and it's finally warm enough to have some outside daytime play. Do we need to put them in some kind of enclosure when we take them out? Will they run/fly away? Please be gentle lol... I am a first time chicken mama. I have done a year's worth of research before getting them but I want to make sure that we don't lose all of our chickens lol...
Yes you should have an enclosure that doesn't have any holes or openings big enough for chicks to escape through - i.e. at 3 weeks they absolutely can squirt through chain link. I'd recommend something big enough that you can fit in, to reduce risk of escapees since you can just step in and release them/gather them back up while inside the enclosure.
Hi and welcome! I'd put them in a enclosure. Covered top if you have hawks. My run is covered because we have hawks raccoons possum and that's just what I've personally seen in my yard this year. Those guys are still little so I'd make a small enclosure or chicken tractor they can play in. Hope this helps and have fun with your babies!♡♡
I got an enclosure from Amazon for $68. It has no floor so they are on the grass, but is otherwise completely enclosed with 3 zipper doors. You have to put boards or something on the bottom flaps so they don't sneak out. ANC pop portable chicken run. It is now $64
you have to contain them in a wire pen etc, for protection, unless youre staying right with them .. something as simple as a house cat could scatter them and at best youd have a hard time rounding them up .. at worst youd just find a few feathers and chicken parts and never know exactly what happened ..
I use a wire cage, and with little chicks I also protect them from the wind, even if it is quite warm. I was taught that their body weight isn't sufficient yet to expose them to the wind. So I use some boards to cover them from the wind.

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