Swedish flower hen dying possibly


Aug 19, 2019
Two days ago we had a swedish flower hen pass away that was showing these same symptoms but and a much slower rate. They develooed over a two week time span. This little girl develiped them over night.
Monday (3/29) i noticed Matilda was acting strange. She normally runs to me when I open the cage in search of treats. But she didnt the few times I checked on her that day. She was still interested in food but would fall asleep and suddenly wake up remembering she was eating. She was moving some. But not nearly as much.
Today I had to clean her bottom as it was covered with neon poop. Which tells me she is not eating or drinking properly. She also appears very tired. I wet the food I gave them as a few have pasty butt and she did not care at all that I was feeding them. Another chick knocked her over in the process and she fell on her back. Matilda kicked a few times then just laid there on her back.
I brought her up stairs and blended warm water, a smidge of honey and her food and tried to feed her with a dropper. She is not interested what so ever. She gets food build up in her beak because she is not drinking to wash it down. I wipe it out. Its not yellow slimy or sticky.
I read my chicken book and am at a complete loss. I dont know what to do for her and can see that she is slowly dying.
I tried apple cider vinegar in the water. I have been measuring their warm spot in their cage. I clean their water daily and their cage once a week. I mix sea kelp and herbs in their food. And randomly give them eggs for vitamins. I really dont know what else to do.
I cant seperate her as I have another seperated due to having splayed legs. And I dont have another heat lamp for her.
I really dont want to loose two chicks in one week. Especially because she is six weeks old now. Like I said the other flower hen developed these symptoms slowly over two weeks and dies. Matilda develooed them over a day. And the other one was quarantined alone for the two weeks. Away from the others.
Please see the pics attached and tell me what you guys think.


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Today I had to clean her bottom as it was covered with neon poop
I wet the food I gave them as a few have pasty butt
She gets food build up in her beak because she is not drinking to wash it down. I wipe it out. Its not yellow slimy or sticky.
six weeks old now

I'm sorry to hear you lost one.

Can you get a photo of the poop, brooder set-up?

They are 6 weeks? How warm are you keeping the brooder? Where are you located in the world?

Do you have any Corid (Amprolium)?
Yes, they are 5/6 weeks old and we are in Colorado. We are keeping their brooder at 80/ 83 degrees. At their age it is suppose to be 75 degrees. But they still appear to be huddling if I lower the temp.
Up until today we were feeding them milled cereals from a sprouting mix we got from a farmer. We went to the store today (due to loosing another chick this morning) and got vitamins and starter chick feed from Big R. We have never had this issue with our other chicks past years. So I am wondering if not starting them on a starter food with antibiotics is what is messing them up.
The flower hen is doing slightly better, meaning she now opens her eyes and can stand but does not want to. I blended some of the new starter food, vitamins and water to feed her with a dropper. She is actually opening her mouth for me and opening her eyes. So hopefully its getting better 🤞🤞
In the picture of the two seperated is the swedish flower hen and a lavender Orpington. I have them seperated to prevent them from getting trampled.


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I'm sorry to hear you lost one.

Can you get a photo of the poop, brooder set-up?

They are 6 weeks? How warm are you keeping the brooder? Where are you located in the world?

Do you have any Corid (Amprolium)?
We also do have Corid!
And we lost three chicks now 😭
Yes, they are 5/6 weeks old and we are in Colorado. We are keeping their brooder at 80/ 83 degrees. At their age it is suppose to be 75 degrees. But they still appear to be huddling if I lower the temp.
Up until today we were feeding them milled cereals from a sprouting mix we got from a farmer. We went to the store today (due to loosing another chick this morning) and got vitamins and starter chick feed from Big R.
So I am wondering if not starting them on a starter food with antibiotics is what is messing them up.
I blended some of the new starter food, vitamins and water to feed her with a dropper.
We also do have Corid!
And we lost three chicks now 😭
Photos of the poop?

Have you always fed your chicks milled cereals or is that something new? (What do you normally give chicks?)
What are the milled cereals?

Got a photo of the chick starter and vitamins?
Most all medicated chick starters in the US contain Amprolium which is a coccidiostat, not an antibiotic.

This may be just be nutritional deficiency. I would try the vitamins and chick starter first. Get her hydrated and eating.

Let's see the poop.
Up until today we were feeding them milled cereals from a sprouting mix we got from a farmer.
Malnutrition coupled with coccidiosis is what it sounds like... first and foremost maybe malnutrition... ie lack of protein, vitamins, minerals, and important amino acids.

So I am wondering if not starting them on a starter food with antibiotics is what is messing them up.
Not using starter... yes. NO feed int he us has antibiotics in them as that's illegal. The medicated starter feeds have a LOW dose amprolium which mimics thiamine... to slow the growth of coccidia and starve them out while the chicks build some immunity.

Let that "farmer" know their cereal is NOT an acceptable feed for brooder chicks... IF it does work for THEM... maybe for chicks free range with mum eating bugs and such..

Hard to say which to treat first... I would consider using Poultry nutri drench or Rooster Booster brand Poultry Cell... to get things back on track more quickly along with the starter feed. But supplements should not be given at the same time Corid is... USUALLY. I think supporting their immune system with nutrition will help them fight off coccidiosis better... so I think I would wait on Corid... BTW the low dose in medicated feeds may not be enough for SOME flock and they may still require treatment for coccidiosis if kept in crowded or wet conditions.

Sorry for your losses. :hugs

Hope other thrive! :fl
Photos of the poop?

Have you always fed your chicks milled cereals or is that something new? (What do you normally give chicks?)
What are the milled cereals?

Got a photo of the chick starter and vitamins?
Most all medicated chick starters in the US contain Amprolium which is a coccidiostat, not an antibiotic.

This may be just be nutritional deficiency. I would try the vitamins and chick starter first. Get her hydrated and eating.

Let's see the poop.
No, we havent.
In the past we have gotten the chick starter food and stuff from Big R. This year we tried the milled cereal. Its the sprouting mix we give our hens, but grounded up. This is the first time we have used it with chicks. The farmers use it and breed chickens so I thought it would be fine.
I just cleaned her area and she hasnt pooped yet. Once she does I will take a pic!
I also changed the bedding in the brooder with all the chicks acting normal, and no green poop! They have pooped a bunch and none of it is green! So Im hoping that is a good sign!
Matilda (swedish flower hen) is drinking the blended food, water and vitamins I made her with the dropper. Dont see poop yet, but it might be cause she isnt eating on her own. She is still super tired, so i am hoping she will get better.
Below you will see the milled cereal we were using and a link to it

and what we just bought from Big R and are using now.


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Malnutrition coupled with coccidiosis is what it sounds like... first and foremost maybe malnutrition... ie lack of protein, vitamins, minerals, and important amino acids.

Not using starter... yes. NO feed int he us has antibiotics in them as that's illegal. The medicated starter feeds have a LOW dose amprolium which mimics thiamine... to slow the growth of coccidia and starve them out while the chicks build some immunity.

Let that "farmer" know their cereal is NOT an acceptable feed for brooder chicks... IF it does work for THEM... maybe for chicks free range with mum eating bugs and such..

Hard to say which to treat first... I would consider using Poultry nutri drench or Rooster Booster brand Poultry Cell... to get things back on track more quickly along with the starter feed. But supplements should not be given at the same time Corid is... USUALLY. I think supporting their immune system with nutrition will help them fight off coccidiosis better... so I think I would wait on Corid... BTW the low dose in medicated feeds may not be enough for SOME flock and they may still require treatment for coccidiosis if kept in crowded or wet conditions.

Sorry for your losses. :hugs

Hope other thrive! :fl
Yeah, that is what i meant.
Like I said in the reply to another above. This is the first time we have used this cereal, and this is also the first time we have ever had these issues with our chicks. Really makes me sad, but what can we do now I guess 😔
You will also see in my reply to another what we have bought and are using now.
Ugh, makes my heart hurt that it might all just be malnutrition cause we lost three chicks.
Photos of the poop?

Have you always fed your chicks milled cereals or is that something new? (What do you normally give chicks?)
What are the milled cereals?

Got a photo of the chick starter and vitamins?
Most all medicated chick starters in the US contain Amprolium which is a coccidiostat, not an antibiotic.

This may be just be nutritional deficiency. I would try the vitamins and chick starter first. Get her hydrated and eating.

Let's see the poop.
Ok, first pic is Matilda's poop. She is the one in bad shape. Appears green and watery, but that makes sense cause i have been feeding her with a dropper. Is the green stomach bile due to not eating?
The second pic is the brooder with the rest of the babies. Theirs was all green about a few hours ago. Changed their bedding and dont see green poop! So hopefully the changes in food is already working?


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Below you will see the milled cereal we were using and a link to it
That is actually labeled as a COMPLETE feed... and by law must meet specific guide lines... while I may not agree with the % being used as optimal... it should not actually have been enough to cause death (and I take back at least the snarkiness I directed at the farmer). Does the "chick cereal" have a mill date?

If mill date is good and you haven't been given lots of snacks like corn or scratch... then coccidiosis is WAY more suspect and I would start the Corid right away... at the drench dose.. (directly to your dropper fed one)

Sorry for sending mixed signals. Please don't blame yourself. You are doing your best and the loss hurts enough without having to feel guilty. :hugs


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