Supplementing starter feed for chicks

Mrs. Mucket

9 Years
May 3, 2010
Pacific Northwest
Do any of you start chicks with anything but commercial starter? I have gotten so much "dust" in starter crumble bags lately (and have limited feed store options) I am wondering what else I can feed baby chicks that will help them get a good start.
The only time I got a bag of mostly dust, that was suppose to be crumbles was from a" off brand "of chick starter, so I always by Purinia chick starter ( I buy all chicken food that is Purinia) so maybe buying a well known bag of feed would be better for you to buy, plus I would take the dust bag back to the feed store. Another thing you could do is mix water in with the dusty feed and make a mash for them. I know they all love that too!
I feed my new chicks starter mash from my local feed mill. They LOVE it, so I have never felt the need to supplement it. You might check to see if this is a possibility for you. If you continue with the chick starter from the feed store, try to find a freshness date, etc. and/or say something to the management about the dust. I know that a lot of people feed yogurt and scrambled eggs when they are newly hatched. Good luck on finding good feed for your chicks!

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