Sudden Chicken Death Syndrome?

One of my white leghorns, died right in front of me, last week. I had just brought their usual treat of veggies , fruit, etc. out to them. I was watching them, as I'm still fascinated about all their little quirks. She fell on her back, flapped her wings a little, & let out two chicken squeals. I gently picked her up. She died a few seconds later.

I still can't believe this happened. A otherwise healthy hen, who had just eaten. Can they overeat? I am so sorry to hear all your stories. I love my chickens as much as any pets I'ved had.
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It is very sad when you lose one. I hope mine is nothing I have to be concerned about.
i lost 2 this week. one was over a year old and another was 5 months old. i found them on the ground below their roosts.... they were healthy...

is it possibly chickens commit suicide and break their necks by falling off their roosts... or if another chicken shoved them? do i have murdering chickens? the rate at which they are dropping dead on me will allow me to get tons of new chicks in the spring. 3 have died this way and 1 disappeared......
With 3 dying this way you may want to have an necropsy done just in case you are missing something.

well when the first one died back in September/October i had one of the Mexicans check it for me (defeather) and said there was bruising behind the head going under the jaw... sounded like a broken neck.... i assume the other 2 were the same.... their bodies were stiff but their heads rolled about....
I think I just had my first case of this tonight. Went outside to put up the birds, and one of my favorite roosters was on the ground dead, obviously had been walked on by the other chickens, no bleeding, no nasal drainage, just 'poof. Makes me wonder if one of the neighbors threw a rock at him.....I already e-mailed the state to see what their necropsy rates are since I'm 'chicken sitting' for someone and want to make sure no disease was the culprit.
Awwww, I'm sorry about your chicken!

I had a 6 week old just convulse and die Sunday night. She was perfectly healthy/happy up to that point. I guess it just happens sometimes.
I lost 3 last year to unknown causes, all were hatchery birds and 4 years old. Seeing as there were no real symptoms I chalked it up to natural causes/old age? Just one of those things that happen I guess, it doesn't make it easier to deal with but take comfort in the fact that you took good care of them while they were here whether it was a short time or long.
So into their second year is a common time to perish? Does anyone know why that is, it seems so young. I found one dead today just three days short of her 2nd hatchday. My friends have lost their to predators, old age or cold. I'm the only one I know who has had a bird just up and die to no apparent reason. Nice to read here that I'm not alone.

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