Stories on ‘How you ever started with you’re flock’


Premium Feather Member
9 Years
May 19, 2015
the Netherlands
My Coop
My Coop
Please join with you’re stories (and pictures).

Here is my story:

I had a smal coop that belonged to a few rabbits before I started with chickens. I wanted at least 4 chickens but because the coop was so small only tiny bantams would fit in. After studying about breeds and what chickens need my choice fel on Dutch bantams.

First time I bought chicks, I asked for only pullets. The seller said they where 6 weeks old and he could see (quit certain) what gender they where and sold me 5 pullet-chicks.
I asked if I could come back to change if there was a cockerel. He said yes of course.

After 6 weeks it was obvious I had 2 hens and 3 cockerels. I couldn’t change them for 12 week old pullets because he was sold out. But I got 4 younger chicks instead. One escaped (never seen again), one died, one was a pullet and one was a cockerel. 🐓

I kept the cockerel until spring. I couldn’t keep him because he was too noisy early in the morning. But in the mean time I had a broody and he made beautiful offspring. After 8 weeks its was clear I had 3 pullets and 3 cockerels. 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥 🐥
Wonderful photos!

I just wanted three hens so I could have farm-fresh eggs, and I wanted brown eggs. Chicken math kicked in immediately. A 4H-er sold me a Buff Orpington, Plymouth Barred Rock and a Rhode Island Red. Then, I spotted the Sicilian Buttercup -- a white egg layer, but totally gorgeous.

Today, I have 19 hens and a Very Loud Rooster, as I can't resist fluffy chicks in a feed store or 4H-ers who need to reduce their flock. Throw in some Indian runner ducks and a pair of American Buff geese, and I am completely out of space for more coops, thank goodness.

My flock includes everything from petite Cochin Bantams to the large and lovely Buff Orpington (the only original to survive a mink attack). The friendliest is a Speckled Sussex, who insists on "helping" with my yard projects to the comical Salmon Faverolles.

Then there is my "house" chicken, a fall 2019 pullet who had to spend the winter outdoors and now spends nights in a dog crate indoors but goes outside during the day. Yes, she has to get used to being outdoors all the time before winter sets in, but the coop she will occupy is currently housing female runner ducks who are too young to be with the main flock that includes three rowdy drakes.
When I was young we got 6 barreds which was great for a family of four but then our family got 6 more barred rocks. Then we got our rooster who's a barred austrolorp mix. A few years latter again our family was expanding and the ladies were going down so we got 6 more barreds and 6 austrolorps. then we hatched out a chick. Then we moved to a bigger space and got 6 guineas. Then we got 12 austrolorps. Then we got 6 barred rocks and six lavender orpingtons and hatched a guinea. Then we rescued 7 baby ducks. then we bought 3 more ducks. Long story It's busy but I wouldn't mind more lol
When I was young we got 6 barreds which was great for a family of four but then our family got 6 more barred rocks. Then we got our rooster who's a barred austrolorp mix. A few years latter again our family was expanding and the ladies were going down so we got 6 more barreds and 6 austrolorps. then we hatched out a chick. Then we moved to a bigger space and got 6 guineas. Then we got 12 austrolorps. Then we got 6 barred rocks and six lavender orpingtons and hatched a guinea. Then we rescued 7 baby ducks. then we bought 3 more ducks. Long story It's busy but I wouldn't mind more lol
Thanks for the compliments.
I only told about the first year having chickens. Now after 6 years I still have the 2 chickens I started with and the offspring too. My coop and run are much bigger now. Because they started to lay less eggs I bought some fertilised eggs 2 years ago (other breed: Tournaisis). 2 pullets and 1 rooster hatched.
8 I kept this rooster too until spring. But last year I was less lucky. Had 5 chicks but only 1 pullet. I sold 1 mother hen with 2 cockerels and gave the other two away. So now I have 8 small hens who get along well.


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