Stopped go in coop at night

What issues are you seeing? Are they more specific to a different area of the country? Now you have me concerned šŸ˜†
I live by a creek which serves as a wildlife highway. I've personally seen owls, hawks, eagles, weasels, raccoons, possums, coyotes, stray dogs, bobcats, and a juvenile black bear. I rely on the fact that I'm usually at home, and the coop/run are close to the front of the house, and I have 3 dogs, to deter any actual predator attempts. 2 of the dogs treed the bear.

Weasels can get into a run like yours/mine. Plenty of pests too, like rats and sparrows (which are still a problem, just of a different sort). Bears too obviously, but I don't count those because short of electric and solid metal, they can get through almost anything.
Hello all, update:

My neighbor, who also has chickens recommended I put a light inside the coop and put that on as it gets dark to lure them in, and sure enough that did the trick! Funny, sometimes itā€™s the simplest thing!

I know chickens arenā€™t always the brightest animal, seems like a couple of them just stayed out too late after dark and couldnā€™t find their way inside šŸ˜†
My neighbor, who also has chickens recommended I put a light inside the coop and put that on as it gets dark to lure them in, and sure enough that did the trick! Funny, sometimes itā€™s the simplest thing!

I know chickens arenā€™t always the brightest animal, seems like a couple of them just stayed out too late after dark and couldnā€™t find their way inside šŸ˜†
It worked because your coop isn't naturally well lit, so if they can't see inside they can't navigate well.

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