Stepped on and killed baby chick - Feel horrible.

Hon, my chickens always mob me in the afternoons when I toss them their scratch, open the gates to let them free-range, and gather eggs. One day last week I thought, "one of these days I'm going to step on somebody or trip over them," and the next day, I did! It was FluffyButt, whose down sticks up above her feathers in many places, making her look like she lost a pillow fight. I pulled my foot up as soon as I felt her and she squawked, but I thought I'd broken her leg, the big dummy! She was fine, it turned out, but she nearly gave me a heart attack. You may as well get used to it. It takes nerves of steel to raise chickens!
Wow, I'm glad she's okay! I think I feel so bad also because it was pretty gross, like... I mean... guts and stuff. So.. yeah... anyway.
I’m so sorry for your chickie!! How do you know when you have to put them down? Sorry for the dumb question.
Yeah, just a few weeks or months ago (I can’t remember) my husband accidentally ran over one of the hens. She didn’t move out of the way fast enough. He didn’t even know and in the past they always move out of the vehicle’s way. We think it may have been because that specific vehicle had four rear tires and we rarely drive it so she must have miscued on getting out of the way because we never drive fast near the chickens.
So I made a foot proof enclosure for them so that they can be on the grass. It's small, but I can move it around easily and it does the job. It's covered on all sides.

My dad once ran over a chick with the lawn mower and one of our horses stepped on a gosling, and our dog has killed many chickens. The point is this will happen and nerves of steel are needed for the losses.
Yeah, just a few weeks or months ago (I can’t remember) my husband accidentally ran over one of the hens. She didn’t move out of the way fast enough. He didn’t even know and in the past they always move out of the vehicle’s way. We think it may have been because that specific vehicle had four rear tires and we rarely drive it so she must have miscued on getting out of the way because we never drive fast near the chickens.
Oh man, that's really awful. I'm sorry for both of you.

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