Sour crop, monistat, and this poop.. help!


8 Years
Jul 10, 2015
Hello all!
It’s been a while since I posted anything here.
I have an emergency question.
My serama hen Burrito (she is 3 years old) has been having sour crop on and off. I usually put on a monthly fasting for 1-2 days, and she would be fine. These past 3 months I have been extremely busy and forgot to put her on her fasting. She had sour crop again, but this was the worst, I think. She never went purple and this lethargic.
I had done the Monistat treatment to the big breeds and always had success. This is the first time I tried on Burrito, and of course I lowered the dose by much. I kind of pulled her out of the woods today. But this has been the poop color all day. Her mouth doesn’t stink anymore and her crop emptied in the morning. Good signs. But the poop color is so weird!
Can anyone tell me what this indicates?
*Don’t mind the red dots, that’s not blood, that’s the feed*
Thank you!!


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