crop issue

  1. PBAndAlice

    Crop impaction/hard stuff in crop? Not improving after 1 week, desperate

    Soooo it's been a week since these symptoms have started and a few days since I discovered that this was actually a crop issue. Here's my old thread for reference. Summary: Cookie, a 3 year old Tractor Supply Easter Egger has been lethargic, pale combed, having diarrhea and a messy bum, losing...
  2. F

    Help! Lethargic Hen with Mushy but Emptying Crop

    I have grown up with chickens my whole life and was recently asked to petsit 4 newly adopted hens for a friend. I'm not sure exactly how old they are but I think they are relatively new egg layers so maybe around 30 weeks? The first day hen sitting I noticed one Rhode Island Red was quite...
  3. chickenmomma1108

    older hen with watery poops, slow crop issue (now sour?), slow moving

    Hey, I've got a Lavender Orpington hen of ~4 years old (weighs 6.4 lbs - nice and lovely feathers) that was standing away from our flock yesterday - tail down and moving slowly. We brought her home to watch for her intake of water (I added electrolytes) and have grit available. She hasn't laid...
  4. U

    Egg laying stopped after crop issues

    Hi everyone, I was hoping you all could lend me your experience on a matter I am having with one of my australorp hens-Polly. Several months ago Polly had sour crop which turned into an ER visit, which turned into antibiotics, and testing. Her crop has never been the same since so now she wears...
  5. evitachu

    Sour crop, monistat, and this poop.. help!

    Hello all! It’s been a while since I posted anything here. I have an emergency question. My serama hen Burrito (she is 3 years old) has been having sour crop on and off. I usually put on a monthly fasting for 1-2 days, and she would be fine. These past 3 months I have been extremely busy and...
  6. WARosie

    Cull? Found mass under roost bar this morning

    Warning, gross photo. Background: My big Marans was doing the crop dance back in June, so I treated her for impacted crop. It only went down so far and a mass wouldn’t go away. So then I started thinking maybe she has a tumor. After 2.5 or 3 weeks in a crate I put her back into the chicken...
  7. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Help! EYP and water ballon crop - oral antibiotics?

    My chicken developed EYP, and I've been treating her with baytril 10 (oral). However, at the onset of EYP her crop swelled up and stopped emptying. It isn't sour crop (yet) as there's no smell, but she's drinking lots of water and it--along with the meds--seem to just be sitting in her crop...
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