Soft shelled eggs AND crop not emptying HELP!


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2024
I have a 2 year old Blue Copper Marans hen who laid a soft shelled or shell-less egg last week but seemed fine after. It happened 2 more times, one no evidence of shell, the other soft shell…it’s happening at night. Yesterday morning when I saw that it happened the third time, I felt her crop and it was full, I immediately brought her in house. I’ve tried oil and massaging crop. She’s not drinking or eating (only tried that to see if there was an appetite) poop is yellow urate and mucous, small amount of green. So this is second morning and her crop is still full, there must be some type of blockage. I have checked her vent, cannot see or feel anything obvious. I live rural, only vet I can find to see poultry is 2 hours away. I’m struggling to decide what to do, I do not want her suffering, but unsure if this is anything that can be successfully resolved, or do I just need to euthanize?

Edit: after posting, she is drinking water this morning.

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Can you get some human calcium citrate with vitamin D? Generic brands such as Walmart’s Equate, or the brand name Caltrate. Aim for 300 mg to 600 mg per day for a week in case of a calcium deficiency. There could be something in her oviduct or shell gland that is happening. There also are viruses that may cause egg shell problems such as wrinkled or thin shells. Can you post a picture of her typical poop? Yellow urates can point to liver problems or water belly (ascites.) Green poop may indicate she is not eating enough or her crop is not functioning well. Here is a good article by @azygous on crop problems:
Can you get some human calcium citrate with vitamin D? Generic brands such as Walmart’s Equate, or the brand name Caltrate. Aim for 300 mg to 600 mg per day for a week in case of a calcium deficiency. There could be something in her oviduct or shell gland that is happening. There also are viruses that may cause egg shell problems such as wrinkled or thin shells. Can you post a picture of her typical poop? Yellow urates can point to liver problems or water belly (ascites.) Green poop may indicate she is not eating enough or her crop is not functioning well. Here is a good article by @azygous on crop problems:
I doubt our local store will have calcium citrate, closest pharmacy is 40 minutes away, if I can get some, how do I administer?
You just pull on the wattles to open the beak, place the tablet inside the beak, and they will swallow it. You can use a Tums cut into if you have that. Other calcium is fine as well. Feed stores have injectable calcium gluconate, that can be given orally 1 ml, and that can also work.
You just pull on the wattles to open the beak, place the tablet inside the beak, and they will swallow it. You can use a Tums cut into if you have that. Other calcium is fine as well. Feed stores have injectable calcium gluconate, that can be given orally 1 ml, and that can also work.
I will go to store for tums at the very least, I do have Rolaids here but it says active ingredients: 1000 mg of calcium carbonate and 200 mg of magnesium hydroxide.
Then, listed under other information: each tablet contains calcium 400 mg, magnesium 85 mg. Rather confusing. (other ingredients, like sucralose as well)

Edit: I researched and saw the magnesium in Rolaids is a no. I purchased Tums, have tried the wattle trick to no avail. I can’t get oil or Tums down her 😥
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Some hens will take meds in some scrambled egg or with peanut butter, canned cat food, or whatever works. Calcium give for up to a week may rule out a calcium deficiency. Is she getting a layer type feed as the majority of her diet, and do you have crushed oyster shell available for your hens to take as they need it?
Some hens will take meds in some scrambled egg or with peanut butter, canned cat food, or whatever works. Calcium give for up to a week may rule out a calcium deficiency. Is she getting a layer type feed as the majority of her diet, and do you have crushed oyster shell available for your hens to take as they need it?
I managed to get her to take some crushed tums in eggs, but she was hesitant. The only thing she has really wanted to eat is a few black soldier fly larvae. I don’t know how much to try to get her to eat, considering her crop won’t go down. I’m massaging it often. Not sure what else to do.

My flock eats scratch and peck grower, because I have a rooster also. Oyster shells are always available, black soldier fly larvae and healthy kitchen scraps only.

I really appreciate your help.
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