smelled skunk for 3 nights now


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
I was a little late going out to shut ducklings house last couple of nights maybe 10 to 30 minutes after dark. I smelled skunk strongly. Ducklings go to their house at dusk on their own, I live in town. I do not remember smelling it before I got the ducklings. Do you think he is casing out my ducks? Since it was 3 days in a row. Do these guys only come around at night?
Critters seem to come out of nowhere once ducks move in. It could be a coincidence, but since they are ducklings, I would assume the worst, and protect them.

And remember - I am told that skunks shoot over their heads - so if you are face to face, that's in the line of fire. They are said to stomp their feet just before letting loose.

Do you have their shelter secured? Some kind of floor or fencing on the bottom attached all around? Half inch metal hardware cloth over all openings? Secured latches that little fingers cannot worry loose? No gaps around gates, doors, windows? Yes, this is the third degree, and I know you care and are paying attention. I get really concerned about predators.

And I lose track of who has which kind of setup . . .
Quote: They are in a plastic dog house with floor and 3/4 inch plywood door that is a ramp. That Secures with 3 1/2 inch bolt. Door has 1/2 inch crack in places but it won't bend if trying to force thru it. I drilled 1/2 inch holes for ventilation instead of a window since I was worried about predators here in town. Coyotes, cats, I never would have thought skunks were a threat until I read it here. I thought they where vegetarian like me.

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