Skin rotting off

Definitely not better. Maybe a little worse. I gave her a warm bath with nolvasan, dried her real well and then treated for parasites. I put neosporin on the raw places and then tried to syringe her some soupy mash mixed with gatorade. She ate a little and took a few sips on her own, but no interest since then.
Keep her from you're flock just incase it spreads like in a dog cage or somewhere. Do not cull her enless theres no hope or just wait and see if she passes by herself. I hope she make it through and hope for the best keep us updated on the poor baby.

The chick passed while I was at work. I figured it was close this morning, she was very limp and wouldnt even swallow when I droppered water into her beak. We had separated her in a dog kennel in a stall in the barn so she hasn't been with the others since we noticed her. Still no idea what got her, but it was bad. I have checked the other chicks over and they all seem fine. They are all bouncing around and happily eating extra squash from the garden. Maybe I will treat everyone for parasites just in case.

Just so you know I handled the loss very well I think. I immediately got on the phone with Ideal and ordered 10 ducklings to cheer myself up.
What a great way to handle the loss. I am so sorry she didnt make it. Im glad she is not suffering any more. I would definately treat the others for lice/mites......just in case!
What breed of ducks did you get??

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