Silkie with possible tumors/lumps on face!


In the Brooder
Apr 6, 2021
Hey all! I have a 6 month old silkie that I noticed a few days ago had a bump above it’s eyes. It has since kinda multiplied and is on both sides of her face and I’m not sure what it is. I’m really disappointed because I invested in breeding/show quality hatching eggs and she’s from my first hatch and is so pretty. She seems a tad lethargic, but she is eating and drinking.
I feed them all a good diet with a higher percentage protein and I do give them supplemental vitamins in their water a few times a week. Coop is kept clean. I have had one chicken go down a few weeks ago...they were walking on their hocks and I suspected a vitamin deficiency and just couldn’t get her to rebound so I did the humane thing and culled her. Has anyone had boils like this on their face? It looks like some are starting to blister a little. I was kinda paranoid and wasn’t sure if this is a symptom of Mareks? I know Mareks can cause tumors but I thought most were internal. She has no respiratory issues from what I can see and I did hit her with some LA-200 just incase. If anyone has any ideas let me know...I was thinking Mareks or dry fowl pox? I hope it isn’t Mareks because I really don’t want to start over my hobby and let my coop sit for months/weeks 😭 I don’t want to lance anything unless I have to...they are somewhat hard to the touch but not like rock hard...picture attached. I can add more later it’s uploading slow. Thank you!


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