Sick Gosling: Hypothermia/Attack? Severe Condition


11 Years
Mar 7, 2008
I have a month old gosling who has multiple things wrong with him: he escaped a pen and was attacked by something during the night after 1am - probably an owl since he has a single claw mark on his back and nothing else (that was the last time I was down at the barn and at that time I didn't see him). When I went down at 7am to check our live trap I found him on death's door in the chilly dew, sopping wet and on his side.

I brought him inside and put him in a box with a heat lamp. When I got home from work eight hours later he was near the light but wasn't regulating a body temperature. I got a warm bag of water to lay him on and sat here with him.

About an hour ago we tried giving him water again and he wasn't interested. We made a mash with powdered feed, water and a touch of honey for energy and put it on his tongue, which he then gummed and swallowed.

He became increasingly listless after that and his breathing became much deeper. Not faster, just very noticable.

Now his breathing has sped up a little and he is thrashing from time to time. He won't keep his head up and his eyes are half closed.

I know this is an extreme long shot, but does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for him, or for anyone this might happen to in the future?

Any suggestions at all are appreciated.
A couple hours after the post he became worse and passed away.

The wound was a tiny scratch on his back that no one noticed until shortly before I made the post. His down was covering it and it had completely scabbed over. It almost looked like an owl tried to snatch him into the air and didn't get a good enough grip.

Once they thrash it seems like it's just a matter of time. I was hoping someone has had any success in reviving a duckling or gosling that had reached that point.

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