Severely constipated chicken

Really sorry that that happened.
I know how it feels had a hen with vent gleet she wasn’t doing well either. You just have to remember you did your best for her and she was very lucky to receive your care. :)
Her crop feels fine, no blockage in the vent. A LOT of poop in her vent that we managed to extricate. Could she be having trouble pushing it out?
One of my hens is bloated Aith her crop full and she was sick. I've tried lots to get her to poop and nothing. Any suggestions?
Her crop feels fine, no blockage in the vent. A LOT of poop in her vent that we managed to extricate. Could she be having trouble pushing it out?
One of my hens is bloated Aith her crop full and she was sick. I've tried lots to get her to poop and nothing. Any suggestions?
Thanks for all the suggestions, everyone. The vet is coming by tonight but the bloodwork was inconclusive, there's no blockage in her vent and she's still not evacuating - I've been having to do it for her. She's not getting better and nothing we've tried has ameliorated her symptoms. I believe we will have to euthanize her. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
That's so sad. God bless the poor chicken.

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