Setting eggs today, 6-30-12...anyone else want to join in the fun???


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011
Late last night around midnight I set 9 eggs. Five of them are from Silkie hens with a Showgirl Roo and the other four are from a Showgirl over Frizzled Cochin. These are shipped eggs, that out of the nine I only ended up with 3-4 with detached air sacs.

I am at high elevation so I am setting my humidity a little higher to help avoid so much moisture loss, I have it set between 50-52% (I normally run it at 45 on local eggs). My temp. is set at 99.5 and I am not going to add the turner for at least 3 days. I am hoping this will help them reattach and hatch. I am also not going to candle until around days 7-10. Going to try to hold off till closer to day 10.

This is will be my last attempt at hatching for at least a month or so, so in three weeks when this fun is done the incubator/hatcher will get a rest.

If anyone would like to join me that would be great. Just to offer support and have fun! The more the merrier!
Do you still want a hatching buddy?

I set some Andalusion eggs on 6-28 and also have some Muscovy eggs I set earlier, so they are due about the same time. I am not new to incubating, but it is my first time with purchased eggs. The Andalusions are local, the Muscovy's were shipped. (Yea... I know. Going from only my own eggs to shipped eggs and a more difficult species to hatch at the same time is taking on a lot all at once! But I REALLY wanted the Muscovies!)

It has been quite the adventure so far! I set the Andalusions on the 28th. On the 29th we had a huge storm and lost power for three days!!! At first when the power went out I was just hoping it would come back on quickly. But, when we realized that wasn't happening, my DH had the great idea of running his truck as it has a power outlet. So that's what we did for three days! His truck idled the whole time and we ran an extension cord into the house for the incubator!!! So while my freezer full of meat was going bad the eggs were kept safe!

I candled last night and I have at least some of each doing well! Not the percentages I'd like, but considering everything I'm happy.

How are yours doing?
I'll join in. I set some shipped eggs under a broody on 6/28. I'm so excited!! It's my first broody
I'll join in. I set some shipped eggs under a broody on 6/28. I'm so excited!! It's my first broody
Hi!!! Glad to have you! It was a tad quiet here.

We've only ever had 2 hens go broody, both just did their own thing and had successful hatches. Our flock WAS all production reds (which explains the lack of broodies) so this year we added a bunch of orpingtons, amongst others. So... next year I should have plenty of broodies! So I'll be eager to learn all I can about incubating with a broody!

What kind of eggs did you get?
I'll join in if it's ok. We got our very first egg on 7/9/12. My two hens are new Hampshire and rhode island mix production birds and my roo is a leghorn. With this being our very first egg I decided to make an attempt at hatching it. I have a still air incubator with an egg turner that pretty much tilts the eggs side to side about every 4-6 hours. I've been following the instructions but I'm having difficulty with the temperature. I have two thermometers inside and it's either 110 or 80 even when I do get it to 99.5. As long as I sit next to it it stays where I want it. But if I go out or got to sleep, it drops or shoots up. I really wish it had a digital programmable setting. The incubator is under my bed so I can keep an eye on it.
I'll join in if it's ok. We got our very first egg on 7/9/12. My two hens are new Hampshire and rhode island mix production birds and my roo is a leghorn. With this being our very first egg I decided to make an attempt at hatching it. I have a still air incubator with an egg turner that pretty much tilts the eggs side to side about every 4-6 hours. I've been following the instructions but I'm having difficulty with the temperature. I have two thermometers inside and it's either 110 or 80 even when I do get it to 99.5. As long as I sit next to it it stays where I want it. But if I go out or got to sleep, it drops or shoots up. I really wish it had a digital programmable setting. The incubator is under my bed so I can keep an eye on it.
Welcome! How exciting... your first egg!! I started out with production reds... you can't beat them as layers!

Is it OK if I give you a couple of tips? First... take the time nesessary to stablize your incubator before putting any eggs in. Some are easier to stablize than others. Don't worry about not having digital. You will find most who have digital rely on a regular basic thermometer for the most trused info! Also, still air is a bit tricky because the temp is not the same all over. So just take a little time to learn your incubator. In the meantime, your hens will likely bless you with a few more eggs!!! Store the eggs around 55-60 degrees if you can. I have incubated eggs up to two weeks old, although hatch rate does drop off a little after a week.

Best wishes for your first hatch!
HI are right, I didn't think there were any responses, so I unsubscribed to this thread.

So I am glad we have some hatching buddies here. I have only candled one time and it looked like out of nine eggs I have about 3 quitters. I will candle again in a few days and take the quitter eggs out. :)

Wow...I am impressed regarding running the truck for three days...that is some serious dedication to your eggs. :)
I think I got it... 99.5 and holding steady!!!! I'm used to being around eggs since I raise parakeets, love birds cockatiels and conures, but this egg isn't going to be easy to candle considering it's tan with white speckles. any tips on candling brown eggs? I would like to to get easter eggers to blow my daughter's mind. What types of Bantams would you recommend since we like to hold and cuddle our birds.

It really killed me when I had to give up my cornish rocks because I wanted them as cuddle bug pets and the one had congestive heart failure and the other was on the verge of snapping its legs. they weighed 18 to 20 pounds each and they were my babies. I wasn't welcome in some parts of the forum because I kept them as pets. I gave them to someone else to do the deed.

Since the two big guys are gone, the two reds just crave attention. They really make me laugh. I still haven't won over that silly rooster yet. and the only time my ducks want me is when they know there's water in the kiddie pool.
Hi!!! Glad to have you! It was a tad quiet here.

We've only ever had 2 hens go broody, both just did their own thing and had successful hatches. Our flock WAS all production reds (which explains the lack of broodies) so this year we added a bunch of orpingtons, amongst others. So... next year I should have plenty of broodies! So I'll be eager to learn all I can about incubating with a broody!

What kind of eggs did you get?

I bought black copper marans eggs and some blue EE eggs. Since they were shipped and this is her first time, I'm not optimistic on a large hatch rate, although the eggs were packed VERY well. Rosie is a blue Orp I bought from Terry Disney. I wasn't expecting her to go broody and was surprised. she's only a little over a year old. I hope I can get at least a few chicks for her. She's so diligent about those eggs. It's so funny. She's a gigantic gray feathered pancake in the nest box.
I should also mention it's the first time I've ever hatched anything LOL The idea of incubating is interesting, but I don't really have a place to incubate and care for babies. The broody seems perfect since she does all of the work. I only have 2 hens so they should be fine. their coop and pen are big with plenty of room for Rosie to care for any babies without Brownie interfering too much.

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