Rooster with breathing issues not responding to treatment


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2020
My light Brahma rooster is 2 years old. He weighs about 7-8 pounds. For about two weeks he’s had issues with breathing. Not gasping but kinda raspy. Not crowing really. Comb slightly darker. I suspected a respiratory infection so last week he got two doses of LA200 3 days apart and has had some vetRX rubbed on comb, wattles and under wings. We checked down is throat as best we could and didn’t see anything lodged. He eats and drinks fine. His poop is normal. He roams around. I do find him resting more than usual but not extreme. He’s still not better. No other chickens are showing any symptoms. They have pine shavings in the coop where they roost. It’s kept clean and the coop is ventilated. Is there anything else I can do to help him? Other treatment options? He’s a really good boy and I don’t like seeing him sick. Thank you
My light Brahma rooster is 2 years old. He weighs about 7-8 pounds. For about two weeks he’s had issues with breathing. Not gasping but kinda raspy. Not crowing really. Comb slightly darker. I suspected a respiratory infection so last week he got two doses of LA200 3 days apart and has had some vetRX rubbed on comb, wattles and under wings. We checked down is throat as best we could and didn’t see anything lodged. He eats and drinks fine. His poop is normal. He roams around. I do find him resting more than usual but not extreme. He’s still not better. No other chickens are showing any symptoms. They have pine shavings in the coop where they roost. It’s kept clean and the coop is ventilated. Is there anything else I can do to help him? Other treatment options? He’s a really good boy and I don’t like seeing him sick. Thank you
Can you get a video of his actions?

Upload video to YouTube and provide a link.

Look inside the beak - any lesions or canker?
Crop emptying overnight?

Photos of poop?
It doesnt sound like a respiratory infection. Otherwise you'd see some improvement using LA200.
Is there any mold or mildew in the feed sack or inside the coop? How about the pine shavings inside the coop?
Look inside his mouth again for anything out of the ordinary, specifically small white spots or splotches which could be yeast. Try looking further back in his mouth at the esophagus too.
Other possibilities could be ammonia fumes from soiled bedding. Also feel his crop first thing in the morning before he eats, it should be empty.
UPDATE: my sweet gentle giant passed away in his sleep. I’m certain it was heart issues. Thank you everyone for your help.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your rooster. I have a 6-month roo that has had this same symptom for the past several months. 2 vet visits and several antibiotics and nothing helped resolve the rasping. He too had no other symptoms and no other members of the flock were affected. He has normal energy and is in fact very peppy. I worry about him so. The thing that threw me off was the vet did a swab and a culture and ruled it a bacterial infection, thus the antibiotics. He never improved with the meds. I didn't really trust the vet and I feel like it may have just been normal bacteria that they called an infection? I don't know. I had tried colloidal silver as a last resort, and i think it may have helped a bit, but uncertain. I discontinued it when we went on vacation. I feel like his rasp is a bit worse these days and I wish I knew what was wrong. I guess I need to start finding other alternative solutions, unless his is something circulatory.

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