Rooster loosing feathers and limping. Help?

Apr 6, 2024
I have a ~1 year old rooster and a week or so ago I noticed that he was starting to limp, at first I thought he just pulled a muscle or something along that line and kept an eye on him. But now he's very much limping and favoring his right leg, along with that he is losing feathers on the underside of his neck. He lays most of the day but still eats and drinks good. I have no other roosters and my hens don't pick on him. I've check for any broken bones or signs of bumble foot or mites but dont see anything. Does anyone have experience with this or have any advice? Vets around me don't take birds and I dont want to give up on him yet.


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Welcome to BYC. Does he put partial weight on the right leg or hold it up? Does it seem partially numb or asleep? Does he use his wings to balance? How high are your roosts? Hopefully, he has just hurt the leg jumping down from the roost. Have a look at his footpad for any scab or bumblefoot. Are his scales healthy looking? Is he limiting his own activity? Sometimes it is better to separate them in a crate or pen with food and water to limit their activity for a week or so, and then evaluate them again.
Welcome to BYC. Does he put partial weight on the right leg or hold it up? Does it seem partially numb or asleep? Does he use his wings to balance? How high are your roosts? Hopefully, he has just hurt the leg jumping down from the roost. Have a look at his footpad for any scab or bumblefoot. Are his scales healthy looking? Is he limiting his own activity? Sometimes it is better to separate them in a crate or pen with food and water to limit their activity for a week or so, and then evaluate them again.
He kinda holds his leg in front of him and will occasionally use his wings to balance, when he tries to walk his leg gives out and he'll use his lower leg more like his foot to move (if that makes sense). He doesn't show any signs of discomfort when I've touches his leg or looked at it. The roosts are far up off the coop ground, maybe a foot or so. His leg scales look fine and i haven't noticed any scabs or signs of bumblefoot. But he is limiting his activity, he'll usually come out in the morning and eat and drink, then find a spot and sit for a while. But I will separate him from the flock and see if he improves, thanks 🙏🏻
Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease? I hope he just has a mild injury. Time will tell. Please let us know how he gets along or if it gets worse.
Was he vaccinated for Mareks disease? I hope he just has a mild injury. Time will tell. Please let us know how he gets along or if it gets worse.
I was unaware that that disease existed, so no he's not vaccinated, but i will be separating him, thanks for the advice, and i will update if anything changes

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