Rooster getting hormonal!


Jul 26, 2020
Bedford, United Kingdom
Hi! We are quite new at chicken keeping so just had a question about our rooster. When we got our exchequer leghorn rooster and hen they were both supposed to be hens but turned out one was a roo ha. He is maturing now as well as the hens are however he has recently started pulling their feathers and chasing them around, we know this is normal behaviour but all our other hens are bantam and our smallest one is our Ancona bantam. We are considering giving him away but we would be extremely sad to as he is a good boy with us and extremely handsome. Was just wondering if anyone had any advice or suggestions on what would be best to do? Thank you in advance:)
Hi! We are quite new at chicken keeping so just had a question about our rooster. When we got our exchequer leghorn rooster and hen they were both supposed to be hens but turned out one was a roo ha. He is maturing now as well as the hens are however he has recently started pulling their feathers and chasing them around, we know this is normal behaviour but all our other hens are bantam and our smallest one is our Ancona bantam. We are considering giving him away but we would be extremely sad to as he is a good boy with us and extremely handsome. Was just wondering if anyone had any advice or suggestions on what would be best to do? Thank you in advance:)
How old are the females? How old is he?
I have a similar question! We have a mixed flock (RI Reds, Brown sexlink, Black australorp, easter egger) and our RI Red rooster has started trying to mate. They are all about 5 months old and he started chasing them, pinning them down and grabbing them by the neck. All normal stuff, as far as I can tell, in terms of his mating behavior. The hens haven't quite matured to his level and they try and run away. But then he is also very good at finding them food and sharing food, and keeping an eye on everything. The hens will come right up and grab food out of his beak without any issues. I'm hoping that he will eventually just stick with one or two of the hens for mating and leave the rest along, as we don't want to have our hens constantly being bitten in the neck. Will he grow out of this phase?

I should add that we are free-ranging them as much as possible in our yard, so his protection is an added bonus, and one of the main reasons I want to keep him.

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