Rooster cage designs

Aneury Sanchez

Dec 8, 2022
Hello I have multiple roosters that are starting to mature but their ages are different. They fight a lot as some a more aggressive. I currently have a brown leghorn, ameraucana, maran mix, lots of rhode island reds, and my original rooster that is a broiler x red sex-link cross. Also have a very young sapphire splash rooster that I will be keeping. I would to know if anyone can give a design for a small coop for just 1 rooster so i can keep them in separate cages to rotate them into my flock. I have 25-35 hens but when i but more than 1 rooster in they fight to much and i did lose 1 before due to too much fighting. I am just looking for a small coop or cage just big enough for 1 bird each.
FWIW I have a similar circumstance. I have moved multiple roosters into one cage of 8' x 5' x 40" high. I have no issues with fighting given no hens. Cage is 2"x2" wood frame, plywood floor, 1/2" square hardware cloth.

Originally I had the cage about 100' away from my coop/run. I moved it to be immediately adjacent to the main run; the crowing noise from the roosters immediately reduced substantially.

I often see both hens and roosters within inches with only HC between them, no attempts to attack.

Good luck!

Here’s my single rooster pens. The first one is an extra coop we bought and the second I built myself for under $75. The third picture s a sideways view of the second coop without the run attached.


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