RIP my sweet dog Coach

Pastel the Rooster

Crossing the Road
Apr 22, 2022
Southern Georgia
Today, April 13, 2023, my oldest dog passed away. I have known Coach from the day I was born. This loss has been hard.
Dogs teach us more about living a life than just about anything else. You nurture them, teach them, fret and fuss over them and, in exchange, they keep you anchored and give you all their love. Their final gift is to show us that a life, lived, also brings the grief of loss. They show us that the old chestnut of " 'tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" is true, that sweet memories bring pain but also a recollection of that bond between you and your dog. And, if you've been alive long enough, you know that another dog will find you and you'll love that dog like you did your first. Not more, not less, just different.

Mankind and dogs are as inextricably woven together like a braided rope stretching back to time before there were pictographs on cave walls. Look into your dog's eyes. With the right kind of eyes, you can see ten thousand generations of dogs and their people, people and their dogs.

You are one of us now. Condolences and welcome to the family.

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