Raising chicks with the flock


May 6, 2022
I have not separated my broody hen sitting on eggs. Hatch date should be less than a week from today 5/15 I have at least 3 eggs that seem viable.

She is hunkered down in a nest box. In the last few days she hasn’t let others lay in her box (earlier they were and I was removing new eggs daily)

My question is once they (hopefully) hatch do I need to do anything? My laying boxes are at least 2 feet from the bedding on the coop floor right now (bedding is high I was going to do my spring clean out but then she went broody and I was nervous to disturb her plus I normally remove them from coop as to not have them breath too much dust)

Anyway I’m wondering if I need to put chick food and water in the box? Will they hop out on their own once the yolk has absorbed?

Yes I understand there are risks keeping them out with the other chickens.

Any advise?
I've seen a hen get chicks out of a 10 feet high hayloft. She said jump and they did, then bounced up and ran to her. My broody hens regularly hatch in nests 2 ft and 4 ft from the coop floor. They have no problems getting the chicks out when it is time. After they get out they do not return to the nests. They sleep on the coop floor.

Sometimes my hatches are over within 24 hours of the 1st chick hatching. I've had some hatches stretch into the third day. The hen seems to know when the hatch is over and it is time to take the chicks off of the nest.

When they hatch the chicks absorb the yolk. They can live off of that yolk for over 72 hours without eating or drinking. That's so they can wait on the later ones hatching. The broody hen knows more about this by instinct than I ever will so I let her make these decisions.

I have food and water on the coop floor where the chicks can get to it when the hen brings them off the nest. I do not put feed or water in the nest. I do not want to attract mice or other vermin to the nest and do not want water to spill in the nest.
I've seen a hen get chicks out of a 10 feet high hayloft. She said jump and they did, then bounced up and ran to her. My broody hens regularly hatch in nests 2 ft and 4 ft from the coop floor. They have no problems getting the chicks out when it is time. After they get out they do not return to the nests. They sleep on the coop floor.

Sometimes my hatches are over within 24 hours of the 1st chick hatching. I've had some hatches stretch into the third day. The hen seems to know when the hatch is over and it is time to take the chicks off of the nest.

When they hatch the chicks absorb the yolk. They can live off of that yolk for over 72 hours without eating or drinking. That's so they can wait on the later ones hatching. The broody hen knows more about this by instinct than I ever will so I let her make these decisions.

I have food and water on the coop floor where the chicks can get to it when the hen brings them off the nest. I do not put feed or water in the nest. I do not want to attract mice or other vermin to the nest and do not want water to spill in the nest.
Thank you for your reply! This is what I was hoping for.
Two have hatched! I left her with 6 eggs two looks unviable at my day 9 candle. I think one more has pulled. I thought hatch day was tomorrow but here we are!! One hatched from a blue egg and one from a dark brown egg (Easter Egger and “olive” Egger) I have a Wellsummer pipping they are all crossed with a polish Roo.

Also today a tree fell on my house. It’s too heavy for me to life off without pulling it from the lighter end and maybe doing some further damage.


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