Questions about quails (and other birds)


Nov 22, 2023

I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS...

...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them; and quails' eggs are renowed to help people fight allergies... right?
So, I thought... why not?

(For the record : I have gone to an allergist 10 days ago, but the man clearly did not want to work; and so, I got out of his office without any solution, or even knowing what exactly I'm allergic to...)

...But fact is : I never raised quails.
And I am not totally in the dark here, thanksfully; but I am certain I have not all the knowledges I could need...

So, here I am - begging for some answers...!

(Sorry : will be a bit long...)


• 1 • Is eating quails' eggs really so efficient to fight allergies?

Some people report good results only a few days after trying the eggs; and some people report none...
...And I actually even once heard about a woman who decided to eat quails' eggs for her allergies, and who next ended up having a severe allergic reaction to these eggs...

• 2 • How much eggs per day would I need to eat to fight allergies...? And for how long to have a definitive effect?

I find so much different informations... I don't know what/who to believe, so if somebody knows something...?
(7 eggs per day, for 3 months straight...?
...12 eggs per day, everyday of the rest of my life?)

• 3 • Is there a way to cook (or not) the eggs that would be more effective for them to act as an antihistamine?

I have found NO information...!!

If eating the eggs not cooked woud be more effective, then I could just eat them in no-bake desserts - for example...?
But if eating them cooked would be better, then I could just make omelettes everyday...?


Spring is here, and I am preparing to house other birds with my quails...

1 • What birds can be housed with quails - OUTDOORS, ALL YEAR ROUND?

...Knowing I can not add any artificial heat to my aviary...

I feel like canaries and finches would be okay, so I plan to get several pairs of each...

Budgies, sadly, are a big NO : I read about several people reporting them to be mean to quails... and am I right to assume budgies could kill other birds...?

...What about mynas and cockatiels...?

I'm lost about mynas...
I met one once, when I was a teenager... and I just felt in love. So, if possible, I would like to add at least a pair to my aviary...

And I really love cockatiels, but I don't know... their bill just look dangerous...
I would be afraid they would hurt my others birds, but I was told cockatiels were "much too coward to pick a fight", and so, could be housed with quails and canaries without any problem...?

(Other hookbills than cockatiels also are pretty nice, I believe...? What about conures...?)

2 • What birds can I house together, exactly?

If I can not house quails with all of these birds... could I then just make a straight-billed aviary (with the quails), and a hooked-billed aviary (with cockatiels, and conures, and budgies, and what I can actually find...)...?

I would really prefer to make just ONE big aviary, housing then : quails, finches, canaries, cockatiels, conures, and maybe mynas...
(At least two pairs of which so they won't feel alone, and with around 18-20 quails specifically - at least 15 females and 3 males...)

(...Any kind of advice, or even opinions, would be really, really appreciated!!)


I actually already started building an aviary in my garden. (Just next to my ducks' pool...! I hope it was not stupid from me?)

In order to be sure my aviary would be the most secure possible, I'm using panels from Zippi Rabbit Runs (from Omlet) : the panels are made of relatively thick metal, and I really don't think I could find better in my country; so...

...In addition, by using Zippi Runs from Omlet, I can at least make a relatively big aviary by connecting several parts : some parts would be at 105 cm high (Zippi Rabbit Run - Double Height), and some others at 153 cm high (Zippi Rabbit Run - Double Height + Single Height)...

My questions here are :

• 1 • Is a 153 cm (around 60 inches) tall aviary sufficiently high for the other birds I want to keep with the quails?

Talking here about canaries, finches, mynas, cokatiels, etc...

...Knowing I can stand to my full height in the aviary; and so, if ever a bird is hurt or sick, I could move easily enough in the enclosure to catch it in order to heal it...!

But would the birds be happy with the aviary at such a height?

Honestly, since I'm small, making the aviary taller would be a real pain for me... So, I really would not want to built it higher if I don't need to...!
Nevertheless, I'm begging here for advice, so I will eventually do what is best...!!

• 2 • Would the Zippi panels keep ALL my birds in the aviary...?

Mesh is 38 x 38 mm... (SO : 1,5 x 1,5 inches!)

It looks small enough to me, but for the time being, I don't have any canary, or finche, or cockatiel... so I can not (physically) verify if the panels really are small enough for these birds...!
I'm really worried about the size of the mesh, so if somebody could help me here...?

...I'm also worried about hookbills specifically, since they are told to be so destructive...
So : would these birds destroy the plastic Run Clips or the Bungee Hooks for the run Covers?
Because if they do, they could then eventually fly away from their aviary... right?

Also, since they are renowed to be so smart : could they open a Door by removing the Door Pins by themselves...?
(...I needed to be able to open one of the door from the inside of the aviary, so the pins are also inside; and I don't know if small birds could be strong enough to remove them...?)

• 3 • Are my quails at risk of wounds of any kind in the aviary?

Because I'm also using the Underfloor Panels of the Zippi Runs to built this aviary, so... I really hope the quails would not be at risks of bumblefoot...? Or to hurt their claws by foraging...?
I don't think so, but just in case I'm mistaken...?

• 4 • What size would you actually recommend for an aviary?

For now, the aviary I built is around 2.76 m2. (Or : twice the size of a Zippi Rabbit Run.)
Not big enough, I know; but I need to get some more panels to make a bigger enclosure...
(Next month, the aviary will probably be around 5,5 m2... Then, little by little, I will keep expanding it.)

Given I plan to bring home the small birds before the quails... how many of these birds could I buy now - in 2,76 m2 -, since I don't have to house the quails for the time being?
I know what size is advised, but I would prefer to know what people who actually own these kind of birds have to say...? (I want HAPPY birds, and not just pretty birds...)

• 5 • Can I build my aviary directly on the grass?

I know quails will devour the grass... but they don't need grass to be healthy, right?
I could always sow seeds if needed... but if I don't? ...Would my quails, and maybe even the other birds of the aviary, be at risk of some illness?

(I don't have nowhere else to put the aviary than on the grass!)

• 6 • What can I put in my aviary?

Feeders and drinkers, of course...!

Sand, so the quails can take dust baths...

Water, so the small birds can also bath...

Several perchs, and toys for the hookbills if I decide to adopt some...

Shelters on the ground for the quails, and shelters (nest boxes) hung on the metal panels for the other birds...

Maybe concrete statues, so it would offer more stimulation and shadows to the birds...

...Also, OF COURSE : a big, acrylic miror so the birds could admire themselves!

But could I also put gravel, stones, pebbles... on the ground?

And if ever I decide to put flower pots inside of the aviary... would the quails, or even the other birds, destroy what I planted in the pot...?

• 7 • What distance between the nest boxes...?

I actually am not sure if I can put the nest boxes for the birds next to each other, or if I have to respect a distance between them...?


I think I will just use an Eglu Go for the quails... but if some people think the Go is not big enough to house 15 to 20 quails, I will then connect an Eglu Cube instead of a Go...?

I know quails prefer to sleep outside than inside of a coop, so that's why I don't feel like using a big coop would be necessary : I would actually just put some rabbit/hedgehog shelters in the aviary, so quails could hide and sleep in these if they want to...
But again : I never raised any quail, so I would take any advice people have!


I hope I have not forgotten anything...?

Thank you in advance to who will answer to me!
The quails are for when I have a much bigger aviary (IF their eggs really act like a strong antihistamine; otherwise, I am not sure I will raise quails)... but the other birds are, probably, for the next two weeks...!!

I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS...

...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them; and quails' eggs are renowed to help people fight allergies... right?
So, I thought... why not?

(For the record : I have gone to an allergist 10 days ago, but the man clearly did not want to work; and so, I got out of his office without any solution, or even knowing what exactly I'm allergic to...)

...But fact is : I never raised quails.
And I am not totally in the dark here, thanksfully; but I am certain I have not all the knowledges I could need...

So, here I am - begging for some answers...!

(Sorry : will be a bit long...)


• 1 • Is eating quails' eggs really so efficient to fight allergies?

Some people report good results only a few days after trying the eggs; and some people report none...
...And I actually even once heard about a woman who decided to eat quails' eggs for her allergies, and who next ended up having a severe allergic reaction to these eggs...

• 2 • How much eggs per day would I need to eat to fight allergies...? And for how long to have a definitive effect?

I find so much different informations... I don't know what/who to believe, so if somebody knows something...?
(7 eggs per day, for 3 months straight...?
...12 eggs per day, everyday of the rest of my life?)

• 3 • Is there a way to cook (or not) the eggs that would be more effective for them to act as an antihistamine?

I have found NO information...!!

If eating the eggs not cooked woud be more effective, then I could just eat them in no-bake desserts - for example...?
But if eating them cooked would be better, then I could just make omelettes everyday...?


Spring is here, and I am preparing to house other birds with my quails...

1 • What birds can be housed with quails - OUTDOORS, ALL YEAR ROUND?

...Knowing I can not add any artificial heat to my aviary...

I feel like canaries and finches would be okay, so I plan to get several pairs of each...

Budgies, sadly, are a big NO : I read about several people reporting them to be mean to quails... and am I right to assume budgies could kill other birds...?

...What about mynas and cockatiels...?

I'm lost about mynas...
I met one once, when I was a teenager... and I just felt in love. So, if possible, I would like to add at least a pair to my aviary...

And I really love cockatiels, but I don't know... their bill just look dangerous...
I would be afraid they would hurt my others birds, but I was told cockatiels were "much too coward to pick a fight", and so, could be housed with quails and canaries without any problem...?

(Other hookbills than cockatiels also are pretty nice, I believe...? What about conures...?)

2 • What birds can I house together, exactly?

If I can not house quails with all of these birds... could I then just make a straight-billed aviary (with the quails), and a hooked-billed aviary (with cockatiels, and conures, and budgies, and what I can actually find...)...?

I would really prefer to make just ONE big aviary, housing then : quails, finches, canaries, cockatiels, conures, and maybe mynas...
(At least two pairs of which so they won't feel alone, and with around 18-20 quails specifically - at least 15 females and 3 males...)

(...Any kind of advice, or even opinions, would be really, really appreciated!!)


I actually already started building an aviary in my garden. (Just next to my ducks' pool...! I hope it was not stupid from me?)

In order to be sure my aviary would be the most secure possible, I'm using panels from Zippi Rabbit Runs (from Omlet) : the panels are made of relatively thick metal, and I really don't think I could find better in my country; so...

...In addition, by using Zippi Runs from Omlet, I can at least make a relatively big aviary by connecting several parts : some parts would be at 105 cm high (Zippi Rabbit Run - Double Height), and some others at 153 cm high (Zippi Rabbit Run - Double Height + Single Height)...

My questions here are :

• 1 • Is a 153 cm (around 60 inches) tall aviary sufficiently high for the other birds I want to keep with the quails?

Talking here about canaries, finches, mynas, cokatiels, etc...

...Knowing I can stand to my full height in the aviary; and so, if ever a bird is hurt or sick, I could move easily enough in the enclosure to catch it in order to heal it...!

But would the birds be happy with the aviary at such a height?

Honestly, since I'm small, making the aviary taller would be a real pain for me... So, I really would not want to built it higher if I don't need to...!
Nevertheless, I'm begging here for advice, so I will eventually do what is best...!!

• 2 • Would the Zippi panels keep ALL my birds in the aviary...?

Mesh is 38 x 38 mm... (SO : 1,5 x 1,5 inches!)

It looks small enough to me, but for the time being, I don't have any canary, or finche, or cockatiel... so I can not (physically) verify if the panels really are small enough for these birds...!
I'm really worried about the size of the mesh, so if somebody could help me here...?

...I'm also worried about hookbills specifically, since they are told to be so destructive...
So : would these birds destroy the plastic Run Clips or the Bungee Hooks for the run Covers?
Because if they do, they could then eventually fly away from their aviary... right?

Also, since they are renowed to be so smart : could they open a Door by removing the Door Pins by themselves...?
(...I needed to be able to open one of the door from the inside of the aviary, so the pins are also inside; and I don't know if small birds could be strong enough to remove them...?)

• 3 • Are my quails at risk of wounds of any kind in the aviary?

Because I'm also using the Underfloor Panels of the Zippi Runs to built this aviary, so... I really hope the quails would not be at risks of bumblefoot...? Or to hurt their claws by foraging...?
I don't think so, but just in case I'm mistaken...?

• 4 • What size would you actually recommend for an aviary?

For now, the aviary I built is around 2.76 m2. (Or : twice the size of a Zippi Rabbit Run.)
Not big enough, I know; but I need to get some more panels to make a bigger enclosure...
(Next month, the aviary will probably be around 5,5 m2... Then, little by little, I will keep expanding it.)

Given I plan to bring home the small birds before the quails... how many of these birds could I buy now - in 2,76 m2 -, since I don't have to house the quails for the time being?
I know what size is advised, but I would prefer to know what people who actually own these kind of birds have to say...? (I want HAPPY birds, and not just pretty birds...)

• 5 • Can I build my aviary directly on the grass?

I know quails will devour the grass... but they don't need grass to be healthy, right?
I could always sow seeds if needed... but if I don't? ...Would my quails, and maybe even the other birds of the aviary, be at risk of some illness?

(I don't have nowhere else to put the aviary than on the grass!)

• 6 • What can I put in my aviary?

Feeders and drinkers, of course...!

Sand, so the quails can take dust baths...

Water, so the small birds can also bath...

Several perchs, and toys for the hookbills if I decide to adopt some...

Shelters on the ground for the quails, and shelters (nest boxes) hung on the metal panels for the other birds...

Maybe concrete statues, so it would offer more stimulation and shadows to the birds...

...Also, OF COURSE : a big, acrylic miror so the birds could admire themselves!

But could I also put gravel, stones, pebbles... on the ground?

And if ever I decide to put flower pots inside of the aviary... would the quails, or even the other birds, destroy what I planted in the pot...?

• 7 • What distance between the nest boxes...?

I actually am not sure if I can put the nest boxes for the birds next to each other, or if I have to respect a distance between them...?


I think I will just use an Eglu Go for the quails... but if some people think the Go is not big enough to house 15 to 20 quails, I will then connect an Eglu Cube instead of a Go...?

I know quails prefer to sleep outside than inside of a coop, so that's why I don't feel like using a big coop would be necessary : I would actually just put some rabbit/hedgehog shelters in the aviary, so quails could hide and sleep in these if they want to...
But again : I never raised any quail, so I would take any advice people have!


I hope I have not forgotten anything...?

Thank you in advance to who will answer to me!
The quails are for when I have a much bigger aviary (IF their eggs really act like a strong antihistamine; otherwise, I am not sure I will raise quails)... but the other birds are, probably, for the next two weeks...!!
Oh boy😅

So first off, congrats on your decision to raise quail! They're adorable, amusing birds.

Now, I can't answer everything, and all my answers are based off my personal experience... but finches and canaries in your aviary may be a bad idea as there's the possibility they'll fly out with giant $ symbols on their wings when you go in. My canaries are extremely flighty.

I have raised budgies together with cockatiels and button quail. If the aviary is large enough and there are hiding spots, the quail should be fine. Budgies can be bullies though and depending on how they were raised, about as flighty as canaries.

Cockatiels are very docile and do great with a variety of other birds. The beaks are more for attacking seeds and biting human hands if they're interrupting the view of the local ladies (yowch!) All 7 of my cockatiels (varying ages) have done extremely well with button quail and coturnix- although, they were in a smaller indoor cage. One of my female 'tiels would try grooming my quail, so he went bald for a little while lol. But the quail also enjoyed terrorizing the parrots by jumping at them and trying to knock them off their perches. Long story short, due to the size of their enclosure, my quail and cockatiels have been seperated for a while, but it's likely they'd do well together in a large enough outdoor enclosure.

As for allergies.... I have several. I'm allergic to all meat (not fish though), dust, the smell of peppers (gasping attacks), and some other allergy that randomly causes hot, itchy welts all over my body. Eating quail eggs has not alleviated any of these allergies. I enjoy raising quail and the eggs are very healthy and I have friends and family that enjoy them even more than I do! But I have never heard of quail eggs being an allergy cure. If you have sensitivity to chicken eggs, you may have better luck with quail eggs, but that's about it...

Quail (at least mine) are prone to self injury and are escape artists. I have found them stuck behind or in things I never knew possible and have sustained injuries such has breaking their beaks, foot biting/injuries, eye infections that have costed plenty of money to treat. Then again, most of my quail are pets in a sense, so if they're ill and we can't treat it- off to the vet they go! My point is, be prepared to do plenty of DIY treatments on the quail. And the same goes for ANY other birds you add... especially cockatiels. They're prone to night flights and bloodfeathers.

Grass and plants.... I have never had any issues with my quail being destructive, but I would worry about them choking on the long strands of grass. Be sure whatever plants you add to your aviary are safe for birds to ingest.

Sand can be good for dust bathing, but can also cause impaction (for any bird). Dirt mixed with diatomaceous earth is usually a better substitute. Gravel as a main substrate would likely stink after a while and can also cause foot injuries. Peatmoss has been a safe alternative so far for all my birds.

Nesting boxes aren't necessary as quail will literally just drop their eggs where they please 😅

If you plan to add any sort of parrots... mirrors wouldn't be a good idea. Larger mirrors may also cause injuries by having the quail fly into them.

I'm not sure how many of your questions I was able to address, but hopefully some of this helps. Best of luck again and please, do send pictures once you get started up!
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First, you may want to start here for general information:

I have heard that quail eggs can help with allergies, and while there is some scientific evidence that they may help, it is not definitive. If you want to try it, you would not want to eat more than 4 or 5 eggs/day, the equivalent of one chicken egg.

While people who are allergic to chicken eggs can usually eat quail or duck eggs with no allergic reaction, that is no guarantee that you will not be allergic to quail eggs. There are some people who have an averse reaction to quail eggs.

Quail are quite happy with a 60" height for an aviary. They are not likely to use nest boxes except as shelter during nasty weather, and maybe not even then. They will lay where they please with little or no concern over whether or not it's a nestable spot. Small shelters are your best option and will keep them happiest.

I'm not sure about the panels you want to use for your aviary, but 1/2" hardware cloth is generally recommended. You want to make sure to not only keep your quail in, but keep predators out. This includes mice, rats, snakes, and other things that you would be amazed to find in your aviary. EVERYTHING likes to eat quail.

Quail will generally destroy any plant that you put into the aviary, so if you included potted plants, you may want to cover the essential parts that keep the plant alive in hardware cloth to protect them from the quail. Make sure that the plants aren't toxic, of course.

I would limit the other birds in your aviary to canaries and finches. They are small and not very aggressive. They also stay to the higher areas while your quail will stick to the ground, so they won't compete for resources.

With the quail, as long as you have a good ratio of males to females (1:5), I wouldn't suggest a mirror. The males might try to fight with their reflections.

I didn't answer everything, but if you start with the articles above, you will have a better idea of specific questions to ask again. :)

Good luck, welcome to the quail world, and post pictures of your aviary when it's done!
• 2 • Would the Zippi panels keep ALL my birds in the aviary...?

Mesh is 38 x 38 mm... (SO : 1,5 x 1,5 inches!)

It looks small enough to me, but for the time being, I don't have any canary, or finche, or cockatiel... so I can not (physically) verify if the panels really are small enough for these birds...!
I'm really worried about the size of the mesh, so if somebody could help me here...?
I only know about quail but if yoh were to have quail chicks they would be through that wire like it wasn't there!
If eating the eggs not cooked woud be more effective, then I could just eat them in no-bake desserts - for example...?
But if eating them cooked would be better, then I could just make omelettes everyday...?
To hard boil a quail egg boil it for 5 minutes. To soft boil a quail egg boil it for 2 minutes 30 seconds exactly!
Here are some recipes from my quail book:
Also you could make quail egg mousse (apogies if there are some incorrect spelling 🤣)


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Thank you for your answers, and reading me : I know my posts are generally what some would consider "too long", and so bothersome to read...
(But I'm honestly just trying to be clear and precise...!!)

So first off, congrats on your decision to raise quail! They're adorable, amusing birds.

Thank you!

Yes, they totally look like they are...! And they are so cute...

but finches and canaries in your aviary may be a bad idea as there's the possibility they'll fly out with giant $ symbols on their wings when you go in.

So, I would need to be very, very careful if ever I bring canaries home...
Thank you for telling me!

For now, I finally found I can NOT adopt canaries or finches for the time being : indeed, they actually could and would fly away between the bars...

Because the mesh of the Zippi panels I use for my aviary are 38 millimeters wide, and I found the entrance of the small birds' - such than canaries - house are only 30 millimeters wide...

Sad, but if I don't use a more suitable mesh, I can not have any of the small birds for my aviary...

I have raised budgies together with cockatiels and button quail. If the aviary is large enough and there are hiding spots, the quail should be fine. Budgies can be bullies though and depending on how they were raised, about as flighty as canaries.

I will put two green Rabbit Shelters from Omlet - I have laying around - in the aviary...
(...Would it be better if I also buy the pink one? Since quails being birds, they of course would be sensitive to, and attracted by, colours... right?)

I will also buy some wooden rabbit and hedgedog shelters, so the quails can hide if they want to...

...Maybe even use a semi-raised 80 cm wide unused, round metal brasero, so it could be used for added shade, or like a shelter from wind, rain, or whatever...?

One of my female 'tiels would try grooming my quail, so he went bald for a little while lol.

...That... is so cuuuuuuute...!!!

As for allergies.... I have several. I'm allergic to all meat (not fish though), dust, the smell of peppers (gasping attacks), and some other allergy that randomly causes hot, itchy welts all over my body. Eating quail eggs has not alleviated any of these allergies.

I can sympathise...
I have more and more severe allergies, and eating quail's eggs has literally become my only hope to alleviate them...

But I don't know if I want to bring quails home if I can not be certain their eggs can help me : they are cute, but if I would choose an animal just for their looks, I would then prefer flying - especially colourful ones - birds...

Just to know : what quail breed(s) could I bring in my aviary so I could see them flying or perching?

Because I find so much contradictory informations...!!

But I have never heard of quail eggs being an allergy cure.

I... actually thought that was why quails were so popular?

If you have sensitivity to chicken eggs, you may have better luck with quail eggs, but that's about it...

Ooooh I had some sensitivity... until I was feeling so nostalgic I brought chickens home, and could eat eggs then laid in my garden, and... just had no more any bad reaction to eggs...!

For what it's worth : I remember I read once allergic reactions to eggs we know off were actually "allergies to a component of a antibiotic given to chickens"...?
And so, allergies to eggs were, in fact, allergies to store-bought eggs?

(For the record, my mom is the same than me : she could not eat eggs when she wanted to before - when we bought the eggs from stores -; but now we eat our chicken's eggs...? She can eat them, at all time - with no problem...!!)

Quail (at least mine) are prone to self injury and are escape artists. I have found them stuck behind or in things I never knew possible and have sustained injuries such has breaking their beaks, foot biting/injuries, eye infections that have costed plenty of money to treat.

...Quails are really small, right...?
I know they are, but since I don't have any for the time being, I just don't know if they are so small they could escape from the aviary...

Would a 38 milimeters mesh - hard metal here - work for them...? Or are they so small they could get out of the aviary...?

I'm really worried about that!!
I just can't tell how small quails really are, and I don't want to bring any home before being sure their enclosure is totally safe for them...!

...Concerning their health, I can monitor them; so, if they have a problem, I will at least act fast!

The most important thing is first to make an aviary where they will be confortable : not overcrowed... and with a lot of shelters, sand/earth to bath and be happy with, wooden branches to play with and stimulate their foraging instinct (for that, I will of course keep a part of the ground bare - without metal underfloor panels)... etc...
I even already put some Zippi Rabbit Platforms - with the RAMP -, since apparently, quails just like to use ramps...?

Don't know what I could add...
Maybe a perch...? Because even if my quails won't perch, they could at least STAND on the perch - if I use a chickens' one...?

...I'm still thinking about that.
(All advice is really appreciated!!)

My point is, be prepared to do plenty of DIY treatments on the quail. And the same goes for ANY other birds you add... especially cockatiels. They're prone to night flights and bloodfeathers.

I am prepared, but I did not know cockatiels were so... so... is it because of stress, they are prone to "bloodfeathers"?

...Would I have a mean to avoid it? ...To help them, if I bring some home...?

Be sure whatever plants you add to your aviary are safe for birds to ingest.

Thanksfully, I already removed ALL the bulbs I could find!!!
(Quails or no quails, I don't have any choice : I'm now very allergic to half the bulbs I planted in the past.
...And I so loved these flowers...)

(I'm more worried by the fact I started to build the aviary next to my ducks' pool : would it not be dangerous for the quails' feet, since when they bath, the ducks are so happy they are actively throwing water everywhere - includind in the aviary...?)

Sand can be good for dust bathing, but can also cause impaction (for any bird). Dirt mixed with diatomaceous earth is usually a better substitute.

I actually meant dirt/earth; sorry...!!

I would of course mix food grade Diatomaceous Earth with it, and maybe sometimes ash - since I have the chance to have and use a wood stove in my house...

Gravel as a main substrate would likely stink after a while and can also cause foot injuries.

I'm worried about that...

Do you think I could at least put some pebbles, rounded stones, in the aviary?
Would it hurt my quails?

Peatmoss has been a safe alternative so far for all my birds.

I honestly never heard about "peatmoss"....

Nesting boxes aren't necessary as quail will literally just drop their eggs where they please 😅

That's what I understood, yes...

I actually thought about putting a wooden pallet I have laying aroung in the aviary,
so I could use it to semi-raise the brasero I'm talking about above, in order to serve as a shelter for the quails...
...But now I know a bit more about the quails, I know I won't use the pallet : I would not want to have to lift the pallet in order to hunt for the eggs...!!

If you plan to add any sort of parrots... mirrors wouldn't be a good idea. Larger mirrors may also cause injuries by having the quail fly into them.

I did not know about that!

A miror seemed to be such a good idea, and actually almost a necessity...
Indeed, since birds being, by nature, so narcissistic...

(My chickens just LOVE their mirror...!!!
I don't feel like the ducks love it so much than the chickens, but I know even them like it at least...!)

If ever I use a mirror in the aviary, it would be an acrylic one - so it would not be dangerous for the birds (if it broke)...

For the quails specifically : would it be okay if I put a mirror above them?

And why would you not recommend mirror for parrots, exactly?
I am NOT doubting you here :
I am simply asking because, when I am searching for items small parrots would need specifically, I find A LOT OF bird baths with a mirror included...!
(So... do I have to understand I would actually HAVE to avoid these bird baths when buying items for cockatiels and other parrots?)

I'm not sure how many of your questions I was able to address, but hopefully some of this helps.

Of course it helps!!

Thank you very much, because trust me when I say I am really grateful for your time and your kindness!

Best of luck again and please, do send pictures once you get started up!

I will post some pictures in April, when I can expand and then entirely close the aviary!

First, you may want to start here for general information:

Thank you.

I did not respond to you because I could not connect with my account until today (much too slow internet), but I did read some of the articles.

But fact sadly is : my "problem" is more the fact I found so much contradictory informations about quails, and other small birds... than the fact I don't know how I would care for them...!
Indeed : some things I did not know (like the fact mirrors were actually a bad idea for parrots!!), but some things I thanksfully remember from what I have learned when I was a kid.

Nevertheless, what I have learned in the past for an aviary housing different species is not necessarily right - or even wrong...
Personal experiences - and opinions from people who know what they are talking about - matter immensely here...

(And I need so much advice for mesh size...
I seriously did not even get some of the birds I could add in my aviary were actually SO SMALL...!!!)

I have heard that quail eggs can help with allergies, and while there is some scientific evidence that they may help, it is not definitive. If you want to try it, you would not want to eat more than 4 or 5 eggs/day, the equivalent of one chicken egg.

There is scientific evidence; but if we believe the so diverse testimonies, it also greatly depends on the person...?
(But maybe also because some of them did not eat the correct amount...? I don't know about that - not enought testimonies to read...!)

If there were MORE people than not who tried the eggs, correct amount and all, for their allergies AND had no results... I don't know if I would actually want to try myself, and so raise my own quails...
...Even though I just love these birds...!

...Thank you for the recommendation.

I would eat at least 7 eggs per day, but if ever I can find 15 to 18 (female) quails, then I would eat at least 12 eggs a day.
...But only after eating 1 egg the first day, then 2 the next, then 3 the next again, and 5 to 7 the fourth day - so I can test if I am allergic to quails' eggs or not. (We don't know, so just to be careful enough...)

There are some people who have an averse reaction to quail eggs.

...Are there A LOT of people who are concerned by an allergy to quails' eggs?
Because, with my luck, I'm a bit worried to learn I would finally be one of these people...

Quail are quite happy with a 60" height for an aviary.

I already made my other built part of the aviary higher : I found 153 cm was so perfect for me I should just make ALL the aviary at this height, so I just will...!

But I hope the other birds I plan to put in the aviary will be also happy with (only?) such a height for their aviary?

They are not likely to use nest boxes except as shelter during nasty weather, and maybe not even then. They will lay where they please with little or no concern over whether or not it's a nestable spot. Small shelters are your best option and will keep them happiest.

And that's a problem I haaaave : if quails don't use the coop, won't they die from cold in WINTER?

I KNOW a lot of people say quails are cold hardy, and the birds actually look like they are... so I'm inclined to trust them...
...But I also heard other people telling quails are actually "sensible to the cold", and so, they should not be left outside the colder days...?

I believe quails are really cold hardy, and I really don't think they would actually be so stupid they would prefer to die from cold than to sleep in their coop...

...But I don't have any quail for the time being, and so, personal experiences with them...
So : what do I know...?
What if I am mistaken, and people saying quails are not cold-hardy are right?

Would I then have to prepare something for winter, to protect the quails...?
...I will of course use covers (the ones from Omlet) on the aviary, especially to protect the birds from the wind and the rain... but even then, if they don't want to go to sleep in their coop, I fear the frost may affect them...?

You want to make sure to not only keep your quail in, but keep predators out.

For now, I am only using the Zippi panels : I actually want my ENTIRE aviary to be first in rigid metal, and as much as possible anti-predators...

If I have to double the mesh with a smaller one, I will; but I will do so when I have the means to... and really, only if necessary!

...But what do you think about a mesh 38 mm wide?
Would it at least keep quails in...?
(It is difficult to say for me, without seeing a real life quail right now...)

This includes mice, rats, snakes, and other things that you would be amazed to find in your aviary. EVERYTHING likes to eat quail.

You are RIGHT!

I live in the countryside, so I have to be especially careful of all kind of predators!

I'm at least countering any (or at least BIG) predator attempt to kill my birds thanks to the fact the coops and enclosures I own are from Omlet...
(For what it's worth : I know at least some foxes have tried to get in my chickens' runs for several years... but NEVER have they succeeded in getting in...!)

I also have a lot of wild and abandoned cats in my area - some of them making themselves at home in my garden, and so hunting mice...

And I am lucky enough to NOT have seen any snake in my garden since a relatively long time now!

(I know they are close, since I can hear them in warm seasons... but I feel like the chickens and/or the cats are actually driving away the snakes...?)

...I have moles, but there is nothing I can do about them if I don't want to hinder my quails' happiness by putting a net directly on the ground, and thus preventing them to forage to their heart's content : indeed, moles DIG - so I don't know how I would go to stop them from getting inside of the aviary.
(I could set traps... if only people were not now building their home in my area, on what were agricultural lands until recently... and so, if all of these trucks were not driving in front of my house, and - I am NOT joking - CLOSING all mole traps I set because of their crazy, driving speed..)

Quail will generally destroy any plant that you put into the aviary, so if you included potted plants, you may want to cover the essential parts that keep the plant alive in hardware cloth to protect them from the quail.

Thank you for the information!!

So... I will just avoid to put any flower pot in the aviary : I'm already used to chickens destroying my flowers... I don't want any added work and waste of money by doing this same error with the quails...

I would limit the other birds in your aviary to canaries and finches. They are small and not very aggressive. They also stay to the higher areas while your quail will stick to the ground, so they won't compete for resources.

I really would like to have canaries, but for that, I would need to add some smaller mesh ON the panels I'm using to make the aviary...
Otherwise... I don't know...
For now, I am thinking about cockatiels; but only IF I can then replace the plastic clips by metal ones...
Or, if I could find pheasants... why not just a pair of them?
I would love to bring home Blue Eared Pheasants - if only I could find some... (But, of course, I would then need to make the enclosure much, much bigger...!)

With the quail, as long as you have a good ratio of males to females (1:5), I wouldn't suggest a mirror. The males might try to fight with their reflections.

To say before today, I did not even know there existed birds a mirror could not keep calm...

Good luck, welcome to the quail world, and post pictures of your aviary when it's done!

Thank you so much...!!

I will post the first pictures in April!

I only know about quail but if yoh were to have quail chicks they would be through that wire like it wasn't there!

I was hoping the chicks would just stay very close to their mama...?

So... I will clearly need to have at least a part of the aviary with a much smaller mesh, and think about putting a door so I could close this part of the aviary when needed...

To hard boil a quail egg boil it for 5 minutes. To soft boil a quail egg boil it for 2 minutes 30 seconds exactly!

Thank you!

That... is literally the most important thing to know about cooking quail's eggs!!

Here are some recipes from my quail book:
Also you could make quail egg mousse (apogies if there are some incorrect spelling 🤣)

Thank you soooooo much for the pictures of the recipes, and your kindness of course...!
Okay, I'm going to try to keep the wall of text brief and answer what I can remember from your post.

I keep my quail on the ground in 20 square foot pens. One of my pens is tall enough for me to stand in, the others are about 24" high. Technically, that is a bad height for them, but since the tops are wire, if they flush and hit the top, it is springy enough that they don't injure themselves badly. They are used to me, though, so they only flush when strangers come to them. If I could, I would keep them all in aviary settings.

Coturnix quail are quite hardy in cold, and as long as they are dry, out of the wind, and have small shelters, they will be fine even in below freezing weather.

38mm is not small enough to keep your quail safe. That is large enough for them to get their heads through, which leaves them vulnerable to getting stuck, having predators come along and behead them, having predators come along and reach in through the bars and grab them. Raccoons, ferrets, and weasels in particular will reach through and grab birds and pull them out a piece at a time. You want something around 1/2", which is about 12mm.

I seem to recall cockatiels being a bit territorial, so I'm not sure they would be good with quail. I would NOT put them in with pheasants or other ground birds.

I hope this helps to answer your questions.
Lots of detail here. My thought: start small and make decisions as you go. If you're curious about your reaction to quail eggs, buy a few at the grocery first to see if they have any positive effect (or adverse) for you. As far as parrots, here's the one thing I know about them: they can live a 100 years, so have a plan if you decide to get any.
Lots of detail here. My thought: start small and make decisions as you go. If you're curious about your reaction to quail eggs, buy a few at the grocery first to see if they have any positive effect (or adverse) for you. As far as parrots, here's the one thing I know about them: they can live a 100 years, so have a plan if you decide to get any.
Depends on the parrot- but this is very true! Smaller parrots can easily live 15-30+ years. Usually it's much larger parrots like umbrella cockatoos and macaws that reach 80-100yrs :)
I was hoping the chicks would just stay very close to their mama...?

So... I will clearly need to have at least a part of the aviary with a much smaller mesh, and think about putting a door so I could close this part of the aviary when needed...
I suggest you add a some planks (only thin cheap ones) over the wire at the bottom of the aviary. It will keep the chicks in and also protect the quail from wind - they don't like wind.


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Okay, I'm going to try to keep the wall of text brief and answer what I can remember from your post.

Thank you!!!

Coturnix quail are quite hardy in cold, and as long as they are dry, out of the wind, and have small shelters, they will be fine even in below freezing weather.

...Good to know I could let them sleep outside of the coop even in winter...

I was worried, because - apparently - not everyone agrees about the fact quails are cold-hardy...?
But if rabbit shelters, for example, are good enough... I will just trust your words, since you know what you are talking about!

38mm is not small enough to keep your quail safe. That is large enough for them to get their heads through, which leaves them vulnerable to getting stuck, having predators come along and behead them, having predators come along and reach in through the bars and grab them. Raccoons, ferrets, and weasels in particular will reach through and grab birds and pull them out a piece at a time. You want something around 1/2", which is about 12mm.


Thank you very much for your explanation!

I'm actually more worried about cats, since I would not trust the ones sleeping in my garden to not play hide-and-seek with the quails, and then catches them through the bars...

But here is a stupid question : can raccoons open doors?
Especially the door from the Walk In Chicken Run (Omlet), and the door from the Zippi Rabbit Run (Omlet)...?

I'm now also worried about raccoons, since apparently, they are becoming a problem in France...
...Even if I put some fence around my aviary : would my quails be safe from raccoons in there if the aviary is made of parts from Omlet Runs...?

I seem to recall cockatiels being a bit territorial, so I'm not sure they would be good with quail. I would NOT put them in with pheasants or other ground birds.

I was actually considering pheasants because I know some people put them together with quails...?
But then, they certainly have to have a much bigger aviary than the one I am making, right...?

So, I will trust you - again.

For now, I don't have any quail, or any other ground bird other than my chickens and ducks... and since I also don't have a closed aviary, I don't have to worry about the birds for the time being...
I'm still thinking about what I will do exactly in the next months...

I hope this helps to answer your questions.

Yes. It does...
Thank you!!

My thought: start small and make decisions as you go.

I thought about that, and yes : I will start by only one breed...
After what, I will add another; or if I think then it would be a bad idea, I will only do so if/when I make my aviary bigger than what I plan it to be...

If you're curious about your reaction to quail eggs, buy a few at the grocery first to see if they have any positive effect (or adverse) for you.

Sadly : not an option...!

As far as parrots, here's the one thing I know about them: they can live a 100 years, so have a plan if you decide to get any.

Yeah, I know...

I actually would not want a long-living parrot for one reason : I heard if a parrot thinks I'm a member of his flock (family) AND I then die before him, he would NEVER consider somebody else like family... and so, would be very, very sad until his death...?

I'm no expert, so I'm not sure if it's true or not... but if it is, any long-living parrot (at least 80 years, because 40 would be okay for somebody of my age) I take would end up sad in their last years, right...?

(Again : not an expert about parrots...)

I suggest you add a some planks (only thin cheap ones) over the wire at the bottom of the aviary. It will keep the chicks in and also protect the quail from wind - they don't like wind.

I will think about some protection... thank you!

But there is a lot of wind in my area - really excessively so -, so I will use a bigger/higher something... still not sure what, but I have some ideas...!

For the time being, I am not in a hurry : I can't find the quails I want to bring home, and my aviary will actually take more time to complete than what I first thought...
(Everything is becoming much too expensive, and so : I now don't think I will be able to make an entire aviary before August or September...)

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