Problem with twin Japanese quail egg....


Oct 2, 2020
So, my quails laid a twin egg. At first I thought the egg was just really big, so I put it in the incubator.

I then double checked and it had two yolks.

But only one yolk is fertile. And they are due to hatch in a day now, but can this baby hatch?

I'm worried that it'll not be able to pip proberly, and then die.

What do I do? What can I do even?

The baby is moving. Quite a lot actually.

Three of the other eggs have pipped, about 4 others haven't started yet though. I'm thinking about helping it, but I don't know...

I just don't want to lose anymore baby quails. My incubator got knocked down by one of my cats and I lost around 30-40 fertile eggs. So I jsut really want them to survive.

Thank you so much for the article. It helps so much.
Update on the twin egg... It didn't live and when I opened it up it had seemed like the baby was trying to absorb both yolks.

Thanks for the help anyways.

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