PLEASE Clear Up The "Chipmunk" Chick Confusion PIC HEAVY

At least I am not the only one in the totally confused club
There really are a lot more than that. Anything that would have a partridge, gold duckwing, silver duckwing, or BB red coloration would have chipmunk chicks. Even some of the laced varieties will look chipmunky. So, Phoenix, Wyandottes, Chanteclers, Plymouth Rocks, Old English Games, Buttercups, plus those previously listed as well as others that I can't think of off the top of my head could all have chipmunky colored chicks. That's why we ask a lot of questions in regards to where the chicks were purchased, which hatchery they may have came from, large fowl vs bantam, comb type, leg color, etc. Knowing the hatchery is a big step in narrowing down the options because they may not carry certain breeds or certain breeds may only be available in certain assortments.
Well, always start with the most obvious... Does the chick have feathered feet? Extra toes? Beard/muffs? Crest? Then move on to leg color (white, yellow, green, black, brown, etc). After that try to figure out what kind of comb the chick has. This is a little harder as chicks don't have much of a comb when they hatch but by the time they're a week or so old, you should be able to see something. Single comb will look like a little straight serrated line. Rose, Pea, Cushion, Strawberry, and Walnut combs will look like a small bare slightly triangular area above the beak that may have some bumps on it. A Buttercup comb will look like two slightly curving serrated lines that meet towards the back of the head to form an open ended oval. Once they start feathering a bit, you'll be able to see if any patterns are developing and what the base color will be. Beyond that, you'll have to wait until the chick is a little older to look at stance/carriage, wing carriage, and overall shape. I know that's not a quick easy answer like everyone would like but it should help in narrowing down the choices.
The chipmunks with the dark red brown in the lower left is a Welsummer pullet. Sharply defined V shape on the head and dark eyeliner are supposed to indicate a pullet. That has held true for me any way. The lighter colored ones with the puffy cheeks in the pic are EEs.

Then once again we are back to welsummers. We have other chipmunky looking chicks but NOT like these..deep redish brown on head, down the back, looks just like these.

Well, always start with the most obvious... Does the chick have feathered feet? Extra toes? Beard/muffs? Crest? Then move on to leg color (white, yellow, green, black, brown, etc). After that try to figure out what kind of comb the chick has. This is a little harder as chicks don't have much of a comb when they hatch but by the time they're a week or so old, you should be able to see something. Single comb will look like a little straight serrated line. Rose, Pea, Cushion, Strawberry, and Walnut combs will look like a small bare slightly triangular area above the beak that may have some bumps on it. A Buttercup comb will look like two slightly curving serrated lines that meet towards the back of the head to form an open ended oval. Once they start feathering a bit, you'll be able to see if any patterns are developing and what the base color will be. Beyond that, you'll have to wait until the chick is a little older to look at stance/carriage, wing carriage, and overall shape. I know that's not a quick easy answer like everyone would like but it should help in narrowing down the choices

No until leg color..look to be yellow..comb may be single, I did put up a good pic of the wing feathers and like I said earlier, when I found pics of welsummer chicks, they too had this same color with that white line thru it..the leghorns did not...whew...
my speckled sussex look like the 1st pic you have .. she had a bright yellow belly, and my leghorn had a light belly but not bright yellow..

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