Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

@HS2010 -- do you have ordinances in Suffolk about chickeneering? It seems the nice English Omlet coops consistently offer 3 laying hens to order w/ the Omlet coops as if that's all England allows in back yards?

The larger Omlet PRO model came out recently and has a better coop ramp and nicer nestbox arrangement than the open stair steps of the older Omlet models. The Pro wasn't offered years ago when we researched coops and the Omlet models then had stairs only. Plus, not sure why they never designed raised perch bars either? Love the plastic body and parts of the Omlets but their cages didn't look sturdy enough?

My Silkies won't climb stairs but will use a solid ramp with cleats. With possums, raccoons, and coyotes managing to get over our high yard wall we're glad we got a sturdy dog-kennel wire coop & run to keep those critters away from our hens at night.



Years ago when they were very rare a friend offered a pair of Coronation Sussex to me but only if I would continue a breeding program w/them. Since we are not zoned for roos I sadly and regretfully had to decline the opportunity! For the longest time I wondered if the Coronation would've turned out good in temperament like the Speckled variety.
I read about Coronation Sussex last night! They have beautiful plumage, but speckled will always be my favorite in Sussex.

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