Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

"Elegant" is the perfect word for her. She's got refined lines like an Italian sports car.
is she only as refined as an Italian sports car? I think she's as refined as a Dromaeosasurus! (btw, that's a complement. Dinosaurs are my absolute favorite, and dromaeosaurus is my favorite dinosaur)
Boys that spike aren't boys that stay.
boys that spike are boys that go to pot camp, or get adopted by family members. sometimes if you have a little chick that is a rooster, and you can't keep a rooster, you can get the UPS driver to take it :). there's a story behind that, if you want to hear.

was trying to find something with christmasy vibes, but I started chicken photography this year, and the earliest pictures I have are on a different camera that I can't find :(
reply to this post if you are part of that really smart group who decorates for christmas from november or earlier. 'cause I'm part of that group.

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