Peacock trying to mount duck?


Pine Hill Farm
11 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Is this something that happens normally? He was a year old in January. Same with the hen. But the peacock has been stalking one of my ducks, not the peahen. Following her around, and then trying to jump on her back, walking sort of sideways and giving her the side eye. Any insight? He's currently in the time-out cage because I was afraid he'd hurt her.

Is he walking sideways before jumping on her? Tail not up and spread? That's simple aggression. If the duck was dominant over them, he may have recently won a fight with her and is bossing her around now. If she wasn't, it's possible she did something that got him excited.. such as she snapped at him or did something out of ordinary.

Males almost always have their tails up and spread before any mating attempt. They do not stalk n' chase like roosters do for mating purposes.
Yes peacock do display for the hens, then when she stay near him ,he will mate with her. Peahens can get out of the way if not ready. Not like a rooster that rapes the hens..
Yeah, there's no tail involvement. She (the duck) gets all puffed up and quacks like a freak. The ducks did pick on him for the longest time.
He must've finally got enough gumption to fight back.

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