Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 12-30-22 Pic by Alinas2010

"Listen up human...we can plainly see those unopened gifts, just waiting under that Christmas tree, & we Know they Must be for Us...cuz we are your favorite ladies after all...so when are you gonna let us in to open them, huh? We're on egg laying strike & are gonna keep staring through this window til you bring us in there!"
"Ladies, do you see what I see?"

"Yes, Ginger! We see that Christmas fruit cake just begging to be pecked! And Christmas cookies that Santa didn't eat! Oooooh, How can we get in there?"

"Hmmmm, I spy a way to get in...right down there...through the doggie door!"

"Yeah baby! Let's 'woof woof' our way in & wolf down the goodies!

"Yup, then we can blame the dog!"
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"Ok, so we have a roost...Where is the nest box, Lady?"


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