Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 05-26-23 Pic by RoyalChick


Does it fit Eli ? Bat crap crazy syndrome? Or broody syndrome - you pick 😁
Trouble is, the picture is of Babs!
Eli was out of shot because she had fluttered happily on to the next rafter.
I think this was the day that these two acrobats got into my storage cupboard via the rafters and crapped on everything.
Lovely ladies!
I hope the Mods don’t mind, but as I was asked I will explain.
Her name is Babs. She and her sister Eli are real flying chickens. She is about 11’ up.
Eli is the more natural flier and flits from cross beam to crossbeam. I was taking pictures of this ‘fun’ when Babs had a foot-fault and stopped herself from plummeting down by deploying her emergency brakes!
And yes. She did once lay an egg up there.

View attachment 3519254
Oh how silly of me I thought that was Eli all
Along! Hahaha Babs such a funny girl 😊💕

Ok then “I am Bat Girl”
Trouble is, the picture is of Babs!
Eli was out of shot because she had fluttered happily on to the next rafter.
I think this was the day that these two acrobats got into my storage cupboard via the rafters and crapped on everything.
Lovely ladies!
Yup just saw this, I feel like I need to pay a SHRA tax - still it’s an awesome Photo, and I am so happy it was chosen for Caption ❤️
"Perfect spot to practice my marksmanship.
Bombs Away!!!"

Crap and/or eggs go flying...what and/or who is the target?

Who flung dung?
Who's got egg on their face?
What's this, a daily poo poo party?

Doesn't matter, the Human servant will clean it all up. 😆
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"Well, I'm up here now. 🙄 Might as well make the most of it. Hey, I have a great idea!💡 Human, you can bring me food & water up a ladder every day...call Guiness Records, I'm gonna be the world's longest high perched chicken!"
"I heard the Human kids talking, that if they if they do hand stands or hang upside down, their hair will grow faster. I'm gonna give it a try...always wanted a Polish hairdo."

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