Ended Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair—BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge



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Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Jul 31, 2015
Houston, TX
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15_BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge.jpg

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Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair
BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge
August 21st, 2022, at 12 noon Central Time

The BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge will be on August 21st at 12 noon Central Time (1 pm Eastern Time, 10 am Pacific Time.)

This contest will send you on a hunt to various parts of BYC and our sister sites, BackYardHerds.com, TheEasyGarden.com, & SufficientSelf.com. The first member to reply with the most correct answers will win the prize listed below.

Here's how it works: On TBD I am going to start updating post #2 with the trivia questions. I'm going to post a new question approximately every 3 minutes. The first member to respond with the correct answer will get one point. At the end of the challenge, all the points will be tallied and the winners will be announced.

A few tips and rules:
1. Open 2 or 3 windows (or use tabbed browsing if you have it). Keep one window open to the contest and use the other windows to search for your answers. The questions will all be posted in post #2. Keep an eye on this post, a new question will be put up approximately every three minutes, or after the previous question has been answered.

2. Post and number your answers to each question so we can more easily tally the score. Only answer one trivia question per post, please!

3. Don't post pictures or custom smilies during the game (we do not want to slow anyone down).

4. Don't edit your post. If you change your mind you can post again. Edited posts will not count.

5. Whoever answers first with the correct answer will win a point. One point for each correct answer - that's it. Whoever wins the most points WINS the prize!! (Only one Trivia Challenge winner per member, so if you've won a BYC Trivia Challenge in the past please let others have a go.)

6. Have FUN.... and good luck!

To check your time zone: map (USA), converter (rest of the world)

Please remember to number your answers!!!

First Place$50 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 1-year PFM ($60 value) for yourself or a friend.
Second Place6-month PFM ($35 value) for yourself or a friend.
Third Place3-month PFM ($20 value) for yourself or a friend.
BYC Store Gift Certificates are available to winners that reside in the United States. If the winners are outside of the United States they will be awarded the PFM instead.

Official BYC 2022 Summer Fair Contest Series
Click on the pictures or links below to view the other contests!

2_other poultry.png
3_meat birds.png
5_Equine Show Ring .jpg
6_Farm Machinery Show.jpg
7_baked goods.png
8_Fair Food Contest.png
9_canning and preserving.png
10_outdoor garden.png
11_Indoor Plant Show.jpg
12_Favorite Fair Memories.png
13_Artwork Contest.jpg
14_Handcrafts Contest.jpg
Count the Founding Father's Candies.png
15_BYC & Sister Sites Trivia Challenge.jpg
Fair Bingo.png
Remember this exact post, #2, will be changing often when the game starts.

1. Bring me a link to BYC's first Youtube short! @Lovely Lettie
2.Bring back a link to the one winning guess/post of Count the Leprechaun's Candies contest. @Duckpip
3.Find the link to the 2nd post in the 1st listed sticky thread in the 'What Breed or Gender is This?' section. @Lovely Lettie
4. What does the 6th bullet under the "Do's" section of the rules say? @Lovely Lettie
5. Backyardherds.com has a user named @Sundragons . What is their BYC username? Pink
6. Name BYC's 3 Platinum Sponsors in alphabetical order. @Duckpip :hmm
7.How many tractor coop articles are there? @Duckpip
8. What is the name of the chicken pictured in this year's calendar for November? YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! @Fuchsia
9. Bring back a link (from their website) to the page where I would look to see where MannaPro products were sold near me. @Duckpip 🔥
10. How many 'chicken breeds' articles are there? @Duckpip
11. How many threads total are there right now on SufficientSelf.com? @Tookie
12. Bring me a link to the post that contains the POW on Backyardherds.com @Tookie

13.How many threads have a green announcement prefix in the title in the 'Announcements, Feedback, Site-Issues, & Guides' section. @Pampered chicken girl
14. How many recipe articles mentions these exact words: boiled eggs? @Duckpip
15. Which member has the most messages over on TheEasyGarden.com? @Tookie
16.How many small coop articles are there? @Lovely Lettie
17.How many pages of pictures are in the gallery? NO. This question is being trashed.
18. What member had their picture featured in the 2018 Other Poultry Calendar for the month of August? @JustBabyMargo
19. Which two people have the most media items uploaded to BYC? @Tookie
20. Bring me a link to the new showcase items page. @Tookie
21. What is the short version rule for the current article contest? :old @Duckpip
22. Who is the 4th person listed under the articles Author list? @Tookie
23. Bring me a link to the BYC Awards Nomination Google Doc. The doc itself. @Tookie
24. How many large coop articles are there? @Duckpip

25. Which (public open to all) forum has the least amount of threads on the entire site? @Lovely Lettie
26. Who was awarded the greeter badge on July 21st 2021? @Fuchsia
27. How many trophy points do you receive when you reach 5,000 messages? @Tookie
28. Who's picture is in this year's BYC calendar for July? @Tookie
29. How many bunny rabbits do I currently have? This one is for @Nifty-Chicken How many does @Silkie Princess have? How many does @OneHappyDuckie have? @muddy75
30. For the nerds: Bring me a link to the 25th thread created. @beluga3858

31. How many Award Nominations are allowed per month? @Tookie
32. I am looking for the names of the 6 winners of the 2021 "Chickens 'n Treats" Photo Contest. @Tookie
33. How many members are online right now over at our sister site www.theeasygarden.com? @Tookie
34. What is the number next to the word Books in the navigation box under the reviews sections? @Duckpip
35. Bring me a link to the picture that has the most recent media comment. @Tookie

36. Bring me a link to @Nifty-Chicken's first post of this year. @Lovely Lettie

37. Who was the 18th member to join BYC? @beluga3858

38. While viewing the Forum list how many messages are in the Animals In Need of Free Re-Homing section? @Tookie

39. In Caption Contest Photo Submission - Thread #5, get the link for the photo to be used in the 8/26/2022 caption contest. @Duckpip

40. How many posts in threads did I make in the year 2015?
Last edited by a moderator:
I've got church tomorrow and we don't get out until about 12 so do you think I could play 10-15 minutes after it starts or would that not work?
It should last for a few hours so you should be able to play some.
Just remember to check post number two.
Post number two is going to have all of the questions and you will be able to tell which question we are on.
It should last for a few hours so you should be able to play some.
Just remember to check post number two.
Post number two is going to have all of the questions and you will be able to tell which question we are on.
Ok, thanks!
So once I join I can only answer the current question your on and the ones after it, not the ones before it, right? Also do I need and account for the sister sites?
Ok, thanks!
So once I join I can only answer the current question your on and the ones after it, not the ones before it, right? Also do I need and account for the sister sites?
Correct! Once a question has been answered correctly I will cross it off the list in post #2 and move on.

No, you will not need to be logged in to an account to answer the questions for those sites but...it will help if you are familiar with navigating them each.

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