Not sure of breeds of my hens

the first one could be a Buff orpington the second ones are RIRs and a cuckoo Maran Rooster and the third can be a silver spangled hamberg

......But I might not be right
Rooster Red,
If you have a Blue Andalusian rooster, they could make some beautiful babies. I have some Andalusian/Buff Orpington crosses that are very pretty. Minorcas and Andalusians are similiar in body type. Leg color is different on the buffs though.
Hatchery stock Minorcas do not always have floppy combs. I had 4 of them and none flopped.
Buff Minora definetly and also the other one is a Silver Spangled Hamburg.
The reds are either New Hampshire's or Rhode Islands.
Older layers will have bleached out legs- turning from yellow to pinkish. When they stop laying the color returns.

New Hampshires tend to be more yellow buff than RIR's which tend to be more chestnut or mahogany. I think they look more Rhode Is. Red -ish, but I wouldn't bet anything on it.
Sounds like a good call to me, I'm going to call them rhode island reds.

They are my best hens. the plumper of the two, Agatha, follows me around the yard like a dog, wants to be picked up, rides around on my shoulder and to date has never pooped on me .
One more thing...I know Black Minorcas lay white eggs. Do buff one's also lay white? Might be one more indicator.

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