North Carolina looks good. And yes they are hens. LOL
Also breed will determine at what age you should expect eggs. Usually between 5-8 month old, some sooner.....especially this time of year.
Quote: Dark Brahmas, Welsummers, GL Wyandottes, EEs, Jersey Giants, Buff Orps. One hatchery called after I posted and said they may not be able to get them to me...or they might be able to get them earlier. Hurricane issues. They'll let me know. If they can't get them at all, that's the JGs and BOs. The rest are all good. There are other breeds I want, but this will start me off okay. Since I got those 8 x 12 x 6 dog kennels that I was going to use for pheasants, I'm just going to use them as breeding pens. I can rotate breeding groups through them based on what I want to hatch. That way I don't have to limit to three breeds; one for each chicken house. :) Making the best of things!
Update on little hen...she's still alive! I'm very surprised. She looks bad and her head is just floppy but I got some steroids in her so hopefully that will kick in. Hoping she pulls through!
I'm so depressed!
my golden retriever shadow(he is my avatar) of 12 years, is going to heaven on thursday!

He has been my best friend since I was 10. He is the best dog, he let hamsters, ferrets, lizards, cats and chicks play on him. He helped raise countless foster puppies and kittens. He was my therapy and seizure alert dog. He stood strong to help my mom up when she fell. He hualed firewood, and kept us warm on camping trips. He rescued us when we would “drown”(we called it swimming) in the lake. He protected us from everything. He loved to lay in the yard for hours with a stick. He'd swim in the lake for hours. He always has to be near one of us! He helped me raise my 1st group of chicks and is part of the flock. He'd leap into the baby pool, and play with the ducks, or well…he'd splash around and the ducks would use him as a log.
Its been a really hard decision, to let him go, and I'm having a very hard time imaging my life without him.
sorry! It seems to me, that our best freinds never live long enough, or is it that we out live the good ones?


Good Morning, Everyone!

I need to leave for work in a couple minutes, and i haven't even looked outside at the weather. I'm not sure I want to!

And to top off the lovely weather, our heater only lived a couple days after the last fix, so we are without heat. The guy will be back tomorrow. Thankfully, we have a good fireplace and blower, but I can't put wood on it, so it's only running when hubby is home.

Enjoy the day!

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