North Carolina

hope everyone is doing fine and ready this coming week...........woot!!
finally down to 5 Serama eggs left in the bator due to hatch the 31st.....5 little pied pearlXbronze guineas hatched today....sure will be glad to shut it down and let it rest till this spring. On a side note we will have mini-potbelly piglets(born Oct.1st) looking new homes for christmas......I'll get my DW to post pics of the very cute and very tiny babies in the next few days.Our babies billy goats will be looking homes for christmas also.
Been checking out the show thing at smithfield dec. 8th....thinking about joining so we can show a few of our chickens.....anyone else a member?if so how do you like it?only 1 show a yr.?
Hello everyone.
I just wanted to pop in and see if I can get some info from my now fellow NC's.
We have finailly moved in to our house and getting things settled as we go.
I did get to go to the fair and check out some of the poultry. Wish I had seen all of them but some where gone when we went this sat.
I would like to know the swap sites and plans for the coming year.
I will have my NC NPIP # by then and would like to go to some of the swaps,show and such. I hope ya'll will welcome me into the group and look forward to meeting fellow chicken people here.
I will Miss Msbear and Tammy Keys very much from WV/MD swaps and shows.
They were my show and swap buddies. Anyway I will share what I have and hope they do well here too.
I have Blue Jersey Giants,OE's,EE's, Birchen Marans , Black Breasted Red Japanese Bantams. and Call Ducks in Buff,Khaki,Blue Fawn,Blk Magpies,Pastels,Chocolates.
I will have Wishard Turkeys to as soon as I pick up some poults Erin kept for me out of my breeders I sold them.
I also Know my hubby wants some SQ Buff Wyandottes too.
So if ya'll have or know of any please let me know thanks.
Thanks for any replys I get and have a great night or day pending the time ya'll read this,
:welcome Welcome to our NC chicken family :frow :eek: WOW you have blue jersey giants! I've been searching high and low for those! Sounds like you have some amazing birds!
Welcome to the flock!! I sure hope you enjoy your visits with us. I can tell you from experience everyone on here is just plain amazing!! I have learned SO much since beginning my research into owning chickens and each step of the way these guys/gals have helped me!! (they even refrain from laughing at my "newbie" questions)!!

Busy day in store for us!! New windows are being installed, TONS of baby food making going on today and LOTS of cleaning (I took the weekend off...SHHH). Hope everyone has a happy Monday!!

Oh, and Beth...I am SO SORRY!! I let you leave without your crates!!
Guess that means we'll just have to have another get together!!
I won't tell you that I listened to "Where's Jules" ALL DAY LONG for 2 days. She also would go on the porch and say, "Jules did this...and this....and this"
Only 2 and already BOY CRAZY...someone get me some chains to lock these doors!!
Thanks again for all your help!! You really are the best!!
Does anyone know if Brunswick County has a poultry club in the area? I will be there for about 4 or 5 months with my chickens and would love to meet up with other chicken people . It seems I am going to be a summer, winter person as far as home is concerned. Mtns in the summer or most of the yr. really and winter in Brunswick cty near the coast. I hate having to do this. I love my mtns

NC'er. We love our state. You have some nice sounding chickens.
I have a flock of nice hens and kept only one roo this yr. I am npip plus I have my flock tested for mg/ms and salmonellae.
I have one each of linebred BR,Old German NH, Lavender orp,Black orp, Blue English orp, Del,X2, BCMS, EE, Wheaten Am, A hatchery buff orp, and a Mixed Black orp and Marans. I try to keep 12 hens and one roo each yr. I wish I had room for more than one roo for increasing my num., but right now it is not practical. I have one Wheaten Ameracuana, line bred. He is still very young but friendly at 17 weeks. Next season I have spoken for more of the OGNHs and some SLW. I can barely wait also maybe some Dominique, and Swedish Flower chickens too. We'll see acc to my health and that of the family. I dread this move so much.
Its cool about 38 here this morning. Has anyone else been invaded by the Japanese lady bugs? I get them every fall like crazy on the front of my home. They bit and stink ouch.
Gloria Jean
Well I don't know if I missed anyone at the fair. :( I figured if anyone went I'd run into them over by the poultry tent. They did not have anywhere near the animal entries we've seen in the past. Nothing really jumping out at me as 'gotta have'.

Though I did see the Egyptian Ducks which I was completely fascinated with! They were so beautiful.

Heading up to the fair grounds now to pick up our preserve competition items and we're happy to at least get 2 third place ribbons and 1 second place this year. We just weren't as prepared this year and didn't enter a lot.

I need some taste testers next time for the recipe competitions we like to do... I didn't get to run an ideas past anything this time around, so we didn't enter those. :)

If I saw you and I missed you.... I'm waving now!!!
I have an interesting bit of news. I bought a dozen Pullets a month ago and the Bantam Roo flew the Coup before I got him inside. A friend and I tried our best to catch him but couldn't. I live in a neighborhood that has a lot of Woods and each of us has a large piece of land so there was no telling where he went. This morning, he showed up in the yard out of nowhere and he is now roosting with the Girls in the Coup. Guess I can't call it a Hen house anymore, LOL.
Great news Summer Rose, and you can still call it the hen house, he'll be hen pecked before ya know it.

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