
Chicken Mathmatician
Apr 23, 2020
Central Texas
My Coop
My Coop
Hi Everyone!
We have chickens. Yikes! What have I gotten myself into? My wife who grew up on Oah'u in Hawai'i had a pet chicken when she was a little girl. I have ZERO experience with chickens, although I've always liked them. I find their clucking and scratching soothing. We have horses, two Quarterhorse mares, four dogs (two Briards, a Shih Tzu mix, and a Morky) and a Cockatiel. I've also kept bees in the past, and may again in the future. My daughter and wife have wanted chickens for over a year, so last week we made the plunge. We now have six chicks, three Buff Orpingtons and three Lavender Orpingtons. The buffs were straight run, so supposedly hens. The Lavenders? No guarantees. I'm now hoping for no roosters 'cause I don't think we need one and certainly don't want two! (three?!!?!) Again, yikes!
So here I am, looking at coops for inspiration (and plans) because the ready made coops for sale at local feed stores and lumber yards don't look as well made as I initially thought (If it was only that easy). Currently we have our chicks in a horse's water trough in our garage, with a bed of pine shavings, a heat lamp, waterer and feeder. But the clock is ticking! What was a puff of chick fuzz last week is already sprouting feathers. That was fast! Since we are out in the country, I have a fear of hawks looking for an easy lunch. I know we have the occasional skunk or red fox around, and I'm pretty sure a raccoon might show up if I don't watch out. My other concern is the heat. Did I mention we are in Central Texas? North of Austin, West and South of Waco. It can get hot here, up in the hundred and teens, so I'm going to need shade and ventilation too. I'd love to free range, but that's for the birds. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.
So that's my situation in a nutshell. I've jumped into a new hobby during the COVID-19 quarantine, and have increased my livestock diversity. I'm a retired Army Officer, my wife and I are both Historians, while she is also a Research Archivist and an accomplished Equestrian. I'm still working (don't let the "Retired Army" make you think I'm really retired, the Army doesn't pay THAT much). We love living in the country, reading, and coffee. I'll keep y'all posted on how the self built coop goes. Nice to meet y'all!!
Hi Everyone!
We have chickens. Yikes! What have I gotten myself into? My wife who grew up on Oah'u in Hawai'i had a pet chicken when she was a little girl. I have ZERO experience with chickens, although I've always liked them. I find their clucking and scratching soothing. We have horses, two Quarterhorse mares, four dogs (two Briards, a Shih Tzu mix, and a Morky) and a Cockatiel. I've also kept bees in the past, and may again in the future. My daughter and wife have wanted chickens for over a year, so last week we made the plunge. We now have six chicks, three Buff Orpingtons and three Lavender Orpingtons. The buffs were straight run, so supposedly hens. The Lavenders? No guarantees. I'm now hoping for no roosters 'cause I don't think we need one and certainly don't want two! (three?!!?!) Again, yikes!
So here I am, looking at coops for inspiration (and plans) because the ready made coops for sale at local feed stores and lumber yards don't look as well made as I initially thought (If it was only that easy). Currently we have our chicks in a horse's water trough in our garage, with a bed of pine shavings, a heat lamp, waterer and feeder. But the clock is ticking! What was a puff of chick fuzz last week is already sprouting feathers. That was fast! Since we are out in the country, I have a fear of hawks looking for an easy lunch. I know we have the occasional skunk or red fox around, and I'm pretty sure a raccoon might show up if I don't watch out. My other concern is the heat. Did I mention we are in Central Texas? North of Austin, West and South of Waco. It can get hot here, up in the hundred and teens, so I'm going to need shade and ventilation too. I'd love to free range, but that's for the birds. Sorry, couldn't resist the pun.
So that's my situation in a nutshell. I've jumped into a new hobby during the COVID-19 quarantine, and have increased my livestock diversity. I'm a retired Army Officer, my wife and I are both Historians, while she is also a Research Archivist and an accomplished Equestrian. I'm still working (don't let the "Retired Army" make you think I'm really retired, the Army doesn't pay THAT much). We love living in the country, reading, and coffee. I'll keep y'all posted on how the self built coop goes. Nice to meet y'all!!

Yes, the heat can be a problem! They will need shade and water when it is ove 100F and the coop needs a lot of ventilation.

It likely does not get below freezing much there so cold is not much of a concern for them
We get quite a few weeks (3x months-ish) in the '30's, but only a few in the '20's in the Winter. We do have a LOT of wind though. And when it rains, you should see it come down! Almost no snow, occasionally a few ice days. That's about it though for the cold. Wish we had more to tell you the truth.
My chickens to well in the rain! and will often be out in it all day long.

The important thing is to have a dry place for them at night.

Definitely not cold enough to do anything special for them

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