New Babies...warning...cute overload...right here! More pics added on Page 2, 3-24-12


8 Years
Jul 6, 2011

One of six Naked Necks

One of five Mottled Houdans...really enjoying her food.

One of 10 EE girls.

This is one of two Light Brahma girls, she is a week older than the other girls. That is a MH right next to her. She looks like a giant compared to the girls that were hatched on 3-16.

Another EE. Love her eyeliner!

Feeding Frenzy.
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Oh, they're so cute! Congratulations, you have some very pretty chicks. ;)

And excellent photography skills too, how do you manage to catch them in such good poses? They move much too fast for my camera finger. :lol:
Oh my word, these little guys are SO cute! I especially love the little mottled Houdan.
Oh, they're so cute! Congratulations, you have some very pretty chicks.

And excellent photography skills too, how do you manage to catch them in such good poses? They move much too fast for my camera finger.

Thank you, I think they are pretty too. As for the pictures, thank you again, but it is really all in the camera. I snap a lot of pictures. I think I took about 55 last night and of those 55, probably 10 were good, and 5 were great. I have a Nikon and it does most of the work for me. I like zooming in on them, so you can really see detail. :)

Last year I started out with a developed flock, so this is my first go at chicks. I wasn't sure if I would like them, but I LOVE them already. I am pretty sure that I could just sit for hours and watch them.
They are cute.I think i must have 2 Mottled Houdan chicks , they look alot like the picture's of yours.
These chicks are cute!!! Congrats!! My hen just hatched out 3 chicks of 4 eggs the one that hasnt hatched yet is the EE egg. I hope it hatches I love the eyeliner too. :)

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