Need help with eggs hatching under heat lamp? Does anyone have suggestions for keeping the temperatu


Spicy Sugar Cookie
7 Years
Apr 26, 2017
The moon
i have a Dutch bantam and I gave her three eggs. One hatched yesterday and the other two have not hatched yet . I put them all under her at the same time. She kept getting up to take care of the hatched chick and so I put the other two under a heat lamp so that they would hatch. They are on day 22 now. I candled them both and I could not tell with one but the other one was definitely still alive. I put them underneath a heat lamp in a box. I'm having trouble managing the temperature. Is my set up OK? Since they're on day 22 is a heat lamp OK? Does anyone have suggestions for keeping the temperature at 98 or 99? Can they hatch like this? I am using clover as bedding because I have a yard full of it and the bedding is all the way out in the barn.
My title is a bit weird sorry, I meant to say does anyone have any suggestions for keeping the temp at 98/99
When they are getting ready to hatch they don't need moisture it can actually dry out the membrane and shrink wrap the chick. Lol, don't worry, I was once a newbie too!

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