

6 Years
Dec 3, 2013
I'm from Nebraska, and its not really common to see chickens out here(in my area). Does anyone on here have chickens? And what have you experienced?
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We live in southern Nebraska. About 7 miles from the Kansas border. Welcome to Backyard Chickens.
Ahh so cute. Good luck! We are hatching as we speak. I have 12 ducks and 25 chicks in the brooder already....
Hey fellow Nebraskans :D Me and family have 2 farms up in Ponca, NE:D we are looking into what we need exactly to start raising chickens and goats real soon! hopefullywithin 2 weeks to atleast start with chickens :D but have never done it before.. we are into organic and sustainable living,permaculture etc... :D
Years ago I had a full size french alpine goat as a pet. He was crazy fun - walked on a leash, wouldn't stay penned up no matter what I tried and insisted on riding in my convertible.
Good luck to you!

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