My quails are soooo loud, especially in early morning


10 Years
Jan 21, 2014
First-time quail raiser here.
Before getting quails I read and watched videos that stated "quails are great for your backyard" because they are small and quiet.
Yes, they are small, but definitely NOT quite at all.
I built them an aviary - 20x40, it is half covered and half not, and they have their own coop, to hide if they want to.

I live in a rural area with everyone around having at least 3 acres of land, but these little guys are so loud in the early morning, around 4-7am that even my distant neighbor asked me what kind of new birds I got?

I ended up with 57 quails out of which 32 hens and the rest are roosters. I understand I have way too many roosters, so I've separated 15 roosters, by putting them in the coop inside the aviary (for the time being that is the only separation I could think of since girls were getting too much use). Leaving 10 roosters with the hens. Are 10 roosters still too much for 32 hens? Is this why my roosters are crowing?
We sleep with closed windows (hot summer nights in Georgia) and a very good distance from the aviary - about 100 yards, and yet I woke up almost every morning to these dam little birds crowing at 4am. It seems that those roosters that are in the coop actually keeping mostly quiet, but those guys that are outside with hens are the ones that are loud in the morning.

Do you guys have the same issue? Are there different breeds that are quieter than others? FYI., I have jumbo coturnix.
The ideal ratio is one male to five females, so yes, you still have too many males in your aviary.

Happy roos don't crow much, so it's not a surprise that your aviary boys don't crow as much. It sounds like it's time to invite the boys for dinner.
So, basically, I should have no more than 7 males to my 32 hens? I was thinking of keeping 10 roosters as an insurance policy...

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