My ducks were attacked - one severely injured

Dragon as a baby. He is the one in front with the yellow marking on top of his head
Injured baby is still not eating so I tube fed him more electrolyte mixed with a tiny bit of duck pellets. His eyes look a little better and I washed all his wounds again. I wonder if his bill is just too painful to eat.

Here’s another picture of Dragon, the duckling who was killed, back when he was a little baby. I worked so hard to take good care of him and tried to do everything right. I can’t believe he’s gone
He’s a bit better this morning. He’s walking around a little and when I refilled their water he heard the water and tried to find the water dish. I don’t think he can see at all or very little. I held the bowl up to his bill and he drank very eagerly, and then when he heard the others drinking he used the sound to find the water. I offered him food but he only took a tiny bite. Still progress. I’ll try tempting him with scrambled eggs later.
His eyes are still awful looking. I’ll keep cleaning them and treating with antibiotics. The swelling on his face has reduced a bit.

The rest of my flock is eating again but they are too scared to eat out of my hand like they used to. Hopefully they will come around 😢

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