My Buff continually sits as if laying - no eating or drinking!!


9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
I have a Buff that for the last three days or so has been sitting as if laying (in her laying box). Her tail twitches convulsively. I have only seen her out once in the past three days. I am worried about her eating and drinking. Has anyone ever seen this before and have any ideas what to do?

First time poster!! Be gentle....
Thanks so much,
Is she giving you the evil eye? Squawking hollering and trying to peck you if you reach towards her?

Sounds like she might be broody.. if thats the case, she'll usually get off the nest once a day to eat and drink, though she might take some coaxing.
Broody? Thanks so much! This is my first flock and my first winter with them so everything that comes up is quite new. Does this pass? Should I urge her out?
Your Buff is broody. Does she have eggs? When mine went broody I put little dishes of food and water within reach of her till I decided and was able to get her some fertile eggs.

Oh, oh, oh --- let me be the first (I love being first) :

You don't have to urge her out... you could get her eggs... if she doesn't already have fertile eggs of her own... not that i am enabling or anything... babies are nice...

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If she is broody you can be sure of it once you see the dreaded BROODY POO. Here's a thread about breaking a broody-- Lots of people just wait it out, but I break mine if I'm not going to let them hatch eggs or foster chicks. They don't take the best care of themselves while broody and while most give up in 4-6 weeks some of them can get stubborn and go on with it indefinetly. When that happens they can really lose a lot of condition.
Wow!! Great information. I think you are right about the Broodiness but we have no rooster and so no fertile eggs. Do I just keep collecting any eggs and eventually she will figure it out? I do put water and food near her but she looks as if she would like to kill me. And she is my sweetie!
Thanks so much to both of you!
Thanks everyone and for the link. I now have a plan and feel eased that she isn't just wasting away. The welcome here has been lovely and kind thank you all!
I don't have a rooster either -- I bought eggs for mine and let her hatch, but I am such a sucker that way. AND the whole time she was on the nest I kept petting her and talking to her several times a day till she quit growling and started cooing. It made it much easier to check the eggs and to handle the chicks.

How many hens do you have? How likely are buffs to go broody?


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