Muscovy with injured foot


10 Years
Jul 5, 2009
South Bend, IN
Is anyone aware of any injuries that would cause the duck to go lame with his foot curling up? He won't open (or can't unfold) his foot. This happened overnite. We did an inspection and no apparent injuries were visible. He's eating and drinking but has a terrible limp. Any help will be appreciated.
If it happened overnight then he may have just strained it or his leg. I'm not sure what you can do about it except keep an eye on him. Don't make him use it if possible so that he can "rest" it for a few days.
We had a Scovie go almost completely lame. One leg barely working, overnight, and it steadily got worse to where he had to scoot himself acoss the ground to get around. It just hurt to watch him but he was free ranging w/ his flock and wouldn't stay in one place. I thought chasing after him would just cause more damage and we decided to cull him if he didn't seem to get better in a day or so. When I came out to give snacks, (Peas
) I'd thow extra his way so he wouldn't have to move around too much to get some, I placed water & food close to him so he wouldn't have to move too much. Practically overnight, I'd say within two days, he was better.
I am assuming he had strained it or the adult drake had hurt him in the duck house. I wonder if ducks can get their legs/hips out of joint?
This happened to one of my ducklings at about 3 days old. We splinted it and he was eventually able to walk on it again. Unfortunately, as he got older it became clear that it was painful for him to walk on it. He could only take a few steps at a time. I eventually culled him.
Not sure if this helps at all, but when I was a kid back in the seventies, we had a pet muskovie named Frank. He had the condition you are describing (or something similar). His foot would just fold or curl. My mother took him to the vet several times to address this issue, but as far as I recall, they could not figure out how to treat it or why it was happening. He still walked on it and lived a long time with it and it seemed to come and go. It's almost like a cramping, I think. We loved that duck.

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