Molting chicken with bloody skin help

There is no need to treat for lice or mites, unless you see evidence of them on the chickens. The poultry dust containing permethrin or a permethrin spray is my choice of a treatment if you find any parasites. DE can be dangerous if inhaled. Here are some links with pictures to look at about what to look for searching for mites or lice:
New to all this didnt know how to create my own question so im sort of scraping in.. i have a lady chicken and have had her for 4-5 years and she appears to look awfully unwell. Her feathers are fluffed up all over and around her face as if she looks swollen. And sometimes falls over? Or she will sit and not move at all but our other chicken is absolutely fine!
Yes, this should help to kill the little vampires. Maybe he can pick up some cans of cheap dog food and a dewormer on his way. Dog food is a good source for protein and vitamins.. And when the chicken have mites they surely catched worms, too. Mites are one of the things everyone get sooner or later and they are a pain not only for the chickens, but also for the owner who has to do all the cleaning and dusting. Often our chickens catch them from wild birds. they are living taxis for worms and mites, so maybe you can help the wild birds, too, and build a cat-safe bathtub for them too deworm and demite them. In pet stores you can find bathadditives for exotic birds that are great but are not allowed for chickens.
The use of DE is very controversial. Some use it in dust baths as a dewormer and as odor control, I only use it to get rid of red mites in the coop and only in emergencies on the birds. .... wearing a dust mask and i cover the head of the birds. I use a dewormer from my vet from Bayer, but grated carrots can help if you can't find a dewormer that can be used with chickens.

Oh.... if you have a bird with a swollen head that sits puffed up in a corner, you may have a bigger problem than mites. That can be everything including bird flue. First isolate the hen. Than take her to a good vet. If you don't have a vet or he isn't open today, take a good look at all the nasty fotos of mite/lice/fly infested birds and the fotos of birds with respiratory illnesses you can find here and on google and than take a magnifying glass and take a good look at your baby.... found something?
Chicken, like most birds, try to hide illnesses as long as they can b/c preditors have a "eye" for ill birds. That is a problem for us b/c when they show the "first signs" they often already serious ill.
New to all this didnt know how to create my own question so im sort of scraping in.. i have a lady chicken and have had her for 4-5 years and she appears to look awfully unwell. Her feathers are fluffed up all over and around her face as if she looks swollen. And sometimes falls over? Or she will sit and not move at all but our other chicken is absolutely fine!


You should be seeing something like that. Click the big blue bar.
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