Missing cat came home !!!


13 Years
Jan 23, 2007
N.E. Louisiana
I couldn't believe my eyes this morning!! It's been two months since our cat,Phat went missing.He's a little skinny,but he's just fine.
Phat isn't the most friendly cat,grumpy really. He used to be my nieces cat & lived uptown.Phat has been out here 7 yrs & he's been fixed too.I have no idea why he left.
He went missing around the same time the 5' gator showed up,we figured he got eaten.
Phat is really a neat cat, he my canoe kitty & loves to ride in the truck & on our little red wagon,lol.
I wish he could tell us where in the world he went.. we are surrounded by woods & then the bayou,so there's no telling.
The same thing happened to our cat several years ago. She disappeared Memorial Day weekend and reappeared (thin and stressed) around 4th of July. My vet said that possibly she got locked in someone's barn.
I'm Happy your cat came home, maybe he was hurt and it took this time to heal, or maybe someone picked him up and decided to keep him and he escaped and came back home!
My cat Monkey disappeared like that for six weeks. I think he was around the apartment most of the time. I'm pretty sure I even saw him once. He somehow got wounded on his jaw, it got infected, and he decided to come home. He's been attached to my hip ever since.
I'm always happy when the cat comes home! I'm worried about Pudster, he hasn't been seen in a couple of days, but he is a boy cat! And a stray,,,, but he never vanishes. The chickens are mean to him though, even though he protects them, I'd move too!
Here's the Phat one,lol. He's all fur,lol.
My neice named him Taz to begin with.His names evolved from that,Phat-o-potomus,Phat-puss,Phay-one, etc.
I gave him some can cat food & he just loved it.I called my hubby & he couldn't believe it.


It's been several yrs ago, but someone had some cats that lived inside.I think the owner (elderly) died in the hospital & the cats were locked up inside with only water for two months or more.They survived,it's amazing.. poor kittys. They got placed into good homes.

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